Chapter 64

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Sierra's POV

Austin pushed us through the door, our lips locked together as we passionately kissed each other, his foot quickly closing the door as he stripped his suit jacket from his arms letting it fall into a heap on the kitchen floor as my fingers started quickly working at the buttons on his shirt that were mostly undone from our car ride from Wendover back to his house in Morgan county.

I tugged at it, freeing it from the waist of his dress pants as he helped me pull it off of him joining his suit jacket on the floor in a heap. His hands crept under my backside as he lifted me up, my dress bunching up at the hips as he sat me on the kitchen counter. He moved his hands to cup each side of my face as he kissed me deeply, our tongues playing with each other happily as I started to work the buckle of his belt. He broke his lips from mine as his gaze shifted down to my hands before he brought his eyes back to connect with mine, that familiar crystal blue color that I loved so much burning a dark navy as his fingers joined mine to finish removing his suit pants that fell in a heap around his ankles.

I gazed down at the tip of his hardened dick just barely sticking out of his boxers, my hand reaching for it as I pushed the fabric back giving myself full range to move my hand slowly over his length his eyes closing as he rested his hands on the counter top on either side of me, low moans leaving his lips as he every so often brought his lips to my collar bone as I slowly worked his length in my hand.

He relished in the pleasure that I was giving him between my hand slowly rubbing his length and my lips working over the sensitive skin just under his ear for a few minutes before be brought himself back to reality, his eyes meeting with mine with a burning passion brewing behind them as he slowly brought his hands down to grab the fabric that was bunched around my hips. He grabbed fistfuls in his hand as he started to pick it up over my head, my arms raised high in the air as he slid the one and only piece of material from my body, dropping it on the counter as he slowly ran his hands over my naked body.

"Si I need you baby girl" he breathed heavy, his eyes fixed on his fingertips as they slowly traced the curve of my supple breast before coming down to rest on my hips that he squeezed tightly.

I leaned in close to him, my lips brushing against his ear as I softly whispered to him, "I'm all yours baby" my teeth grabbing onto his lobe as I pulled away from him to meet his stare that was filled with desire and need.

He quickly grabbed onto my hips, pulling me as close to the end of the counter as he could, my legs wrapping around him as he sank his hard length into my throbbing core, thrusting hard against me hitting my sensitive spot with each thrust.

"Oh fuck Austin oh God" I said loudly, my right arm wrapped around his neck and my left arm resting on the countertop for support as I threw my head back in pleasure, his lips gracing the skin of my neck as I started pumping my hips in rhythm with his.

"Shit Si, you're gonna make me cum if you keep doing that baby girl" he said with a chuckle as he buried his head into the crook of my neck, his lips sucking gently on my skin immediately letting me know that there was going to be evidence of our sexy encounter on his kitchen counters after we came back from the casino laying visibly on my neck.

I grabbed his face in my hands as I meshed my lips with his in a sultry kiss, our moans drifting into each others mouths as we started moving against each other faster, the inevitable building quick as we wrapped our arms around each others and kissed each other deeper and harder to match the thrusting of our hips.

"Si baby cum with me" he said as he broke away from my lips, his parted as his panting breaths escaped between them, his gaze was focused on his length that was moving with ease in my heat as he let out small moans.

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