Chapter 24

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Sierra's POV

"Hi Ausin! Hi Mommy!" Trevor said as he came running through the door immediately going to Austin to give him a hug.

He sat the plates of food down as he scooped him up in his arms and gave him a kiss on the cheek, a smile spreading across my face as I finished up setting the table for breakfast.

"Did you have a good time with Rich and Jodie?" Austin asked as he held him comfortably in one arm.

"So much fun Ausin!" he said.

"I'm glad you had fun buddy, why don't you go say hi to Mommy" he said putting him down on the ground as he ran over to me.

"Hi Mommy!" he said as I picked him up.

"Hi Trev! Were you a good boy yesterday?" I asked him as I tickled him.

"Yes Mommy, I pwomise" he said with a smile.

"Something smells good!" Jodie said as she walked through the door and pulled me in for a hug putting a kiss on my cheek.

"Your boy has been cooking all morning" I said as Rich walked over giving me a hug as well.

"I don't know how you did it Sierra, but you have turned him into complete husband material" Jodie laughed walking up to Austin as he bent down so she could kiss his cheek.

"I've always been husband material Jodie, just no other girl deserved to see it" he said as he walked over and wrapped his arms around me putting a kiss on my cheek.

"Your such a charmer Austin" I said rolling my eyes.

"You love it Si, don't try to pretend that you don't" Austin said as we all laughed.

He pulled my chair out for me before sitting himself down next to me, Trevor pulling his chair close to him so he was almost right on his lap as he leaned in to Austin who put his arm around him.

"What do you want for breakfast buddy?" he asked him.

"Sausage and pancakes" he smiled.

"Of course pancakes, there your favorite" Austin laughed as he put one on his plate.

"Sierra we only got to talk to you quick yesterday, but how is everything? When did you get back?" Jodie asked.

"I've been back in Salt Lake a little over a month but I just met up with Austin again literally two days ago" I laughed taking a sip of my coffee.

"And things are good?" she asked looking between the two of us.

I looked over at him and smiled as he busied himself with the food on his plate, conversations like this always made him nervous.

"They are great. I actually moved our stuff in today" I said grabbing his hand as he looked up at me briefly and smiled.

"I am so glad. You guys were meant to be together." Jodie smiled at me.

"Thanks Jodie. I couldn't lie, I was a wreck without him. I just don't know why I waited so long to come back" I said quietly.

"Us either" Rich laughed.

"Are you still working?" Jodie asked me.

"I am right now. I'm working from home for a pharmaceutical company. I started working for them when I moved back home and they were kind enough to let me keep the job and work remotely" I said.

"Are you still going to work Si?" Austin asked me as he helped Trev cut up more of his pancake.

"I'm not sure Aus, maybe 1 or 2 days a week. I feel like if I don't I'd be bored senseless and just annoy the hell out of you" I laughed.

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