Chapter 5

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Flashback- Sierra's POV

I was woken out of a deep sleep when I heard Trevor's cries coming from somewhere down the hall. I immediately sat up in bed and looked around quick, not remembering where I was, my face in excruciating pain.

I quickly walked over to the closed door pulling it open and walked quickly towards the direction of Trev's cries. I stopped in front of a room with the light on and the door half closed. I pushed it open ready to save my son from whatever was happening and stopped in my tracks.

I saw the man who picked me up from the parking lot, Austin I think his name is, gently holding my son in his strong tattooed arms humming to him as he bounced him up and down gently. My sons cries soon stopped as he laid him back down on the king sized bed in a nest of pillows he had created.

It didn't seem like he had kids, or even nieces or nephews yet he knew enough not to lay him on the bed without anything around him.

"Trev never stops crying for anyone" I said with a smile on my face as I leaned up against the door frame.

"I tried to get him before he woke you up, I hope you don't mind" he said nervously rubbing the back of his neck.

"I don't mind at all. You were so sweet and gentle with him. It gave me a comforting feeling watching you" I smiled.

He looked back over at Trevor one more time placing the small blue striped blanket I had for
him in the diaper bag on top of him before walking over towards me.

"And how are you? Are you feeling okay?" he asked me stopping almost directly in front of me, his eyes carefully studying my face.

"To be completely honest, my face is in excruciating pain, my throat feels like it's bruised and I honestly don't really remember who you are" I said looking up at him with sad eyes.

He reached out to grab my hand as I gently pulled away, my eyes catching his at this action. I noticed a look of trust and comfort in them and let whatever he was about to do happen. He reached back out and grabbed my hand gently and pulled me out of the room.

"Where are we going?" I asked following him down the hall.

"You need some more ice for your face, I'm going to get you some ibuprofen and we are going to talk" he said looking back at me with a gorgeous smile.

We stopped in the kitchen and he sat me down on a barstool at the counter. He walked towards the cabinet and pulled out two ibuprofen and filled a glass of water, walking back around he handed them to me and gently grazed the bruised side of my face with the backs of his tattooed fingers.

"Here take these, they should help with some of the pain. Can I look at your eye?" he asked, his fingers resting under my chin and turning my face to face him.

"I may need to take you to an eye doctor tomorrow. Can you see okay?" he asked, his eyes not leaving mine.

I nodded my head as I popped the two pills in my mouth and took a long drink of water.

"Well that's good, means it's probably just a broken blood vessel. He hit you really hard" he said to me, his face becoming angry.

I looked down at the ground feeling awkward that he was so upset over something that happened to me when he doesn't even really know who I am.

He must've took that as a sign to continue on to his next task since he pushed away from me and headed towards the freezer pulling out ice and throwing some in a bag wrapping it in a towel.

"Would you like to come sit on the patio? There's a great view of the stars" he said with a smile holding the ice in his left hand, his right hand extending out towards me.

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