Chapter 7

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Sierra's POV
"Come on Mommy or we are leaving without you!!" Trevor yelled as Austin put him down and he ran toward the front door.

"Trev, please don't go any further then Austin's car" I said to him.

"Okay Mommy! Come on Ausin!" he yelled back to us.

"You've made his day Austin, he's been asking to go to the aquarium for a while" I said wrapping my arms around him and resting my head on his chest.

"I'd do anything for him Si" he said wrapping his arms around me and placing a kiss on my head.

I pulled back and tilted my head back placing a kiss on his lips.

"Thank you Austin. Thank you so much for everything" I said sweetly placing my lips back on his softly.

"Your welcome baby. Now let's go get Trev before he passes out from excitement" he laughed grabbing my hand and his black Arnette glasses from the counter.

"Nice to see you back Sierra. You have a wonderful boy, your doing an amazing job" Kevin said holding the door to the Escalade open for me.

"Hi Kevin and thank you, it's good to be back. Thanks for changing over the seat" I smiled giving him a hug.

"Not a problem" he laughed.

"Do you like aquariums too?" Trevor said suspiciously eyeing Kevin.

"You bet! Austin invited me to come, I hope that's okay" he said putting the seat belt over Trevor.

Trevor just nodded his head as Austin and myself climbed in next to him.

"Ausin, can we go to the sharks first!?" he asked leaning slightly forward to see Austin behind my small frame.

"Buddy today is your day, we'll go wherever you want to go first" Austin said with a smile.

"Yes!" he said putting his hands into the air and kicking his feet.

I looked over at him and flashed him a huge smile as I found his hand and laced his fingers with mine giving it a light squeeze. I laid my head on his chest momentarily, feeling him placing his lips in my hair.

"I love you" I said to him quietly.

"I love you too SiSi" he whispered into my ear before I pulled myself off of him.

"Ausin what are you ecited to see at the quarium?" Trevor asked him sweetly.

"Hmmm let me think...the penguins" Austin said with a smile.

"I like them too!" he said excitedly.

I smiled at Trevor's response. He idolized Austin, whatever Austin likes he likes. It was so sweet.

"So, should I like keep my distance from you today?" I asked him looking into his eyes.

"No SiSi, I'm not afraid for the world to know I'm seeing someone" he smiled at me giving my hand a squeeze and placing a kiss on my temple.

"Seeing someone huh. So it's official? We're dating again?" I asked with a laugh.

"Of course, I couldn't go another day without you as my girl" he smiled.

"Always a charmer" I said smiling.

Kevin pulled the Escalade into the parking lot and parked at a spot near the back. He got himself out and came around opening the door for us, Austin climbing out first holding out his hand to help me out. We walked around the car, Austin opening the door and grabbing Trevor out of his booster seat as we started walking towards the entrance, Trevor in between Austin and I holding both of our hands and Kevin following close behind.

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