Chapter 11

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Present Day- Austin's POV

I woke up the next morning to the smell of freshly cooked bacon wafting into the room through the slightly open door. I rolled over expecting to feel Sierra's tiny body cuddled up next to me, but was unexpectedly met with a cold empty space where she should be. I turned over on my back and felt a smile pull across my face as I grabbed a cigarette from my pack and sparked it lit.

I couldn't believe that she was back, that we were back. I was together with my little family again. Being away from her and Trevor felt like nothing more than an awful dream that I finally woke up from. I was never the same without her. She brought a different kind of life to me that no one had even tapped into before. It was so hard to explain it to anyone else, but it was like I was finally the person I was destined to be when I was with her.

The both of us pretty much tiptoed around the elephant in the room last night. To me, we were pretty much together. I think that was solidified when I showed up to her apartment the other night and the fact that we spent the whole day together yesterday. Sitting on the patio with her as we stared at the stars talking, laughing and stealing kisses from each other pretty much was the cherry on top for me. She has yet to bring it up, maybe that's something I'll save for another day.

I pulled myself up out of the bed after finishing my cigarette and grabbed my phone. I opened up the message from Brian to see an image of Sierra in the kitchen. She was wearing my purple unicorn shirt that hung loosely over her petite body, touching mid thigh.  Her long wavy hair was piled high in a messy bun, small pieces hanging out the back and on the sides of her face, her tanned skin was gleaming beautifully from the glow of the sun streaming through the kitchen windows.

Who is this fucking goddess you brought home... and she's making breakfast....fucking hot.

I laughed to myself at his words. Just two nights ago she was the grandma and now she is a fucking hot goddess. I quickly realized he obviously had no idea who she was. She had changed since the last time he had seen her, but I didn't think it had been that much.

she is the most amazing woman I have ever met... she is fucking beautiful isn't she.

Words for how hot she is cannot even explain her Posty. You damn did a fucking great job here. Is it safe to say that Ana is gone?

yes ana is gone. and she isn't so bad for a "grandma" is she Blee

There is no fucking way that that is Sierra Posty! Don't fucking shit me, she looks 26 tops.

Believe it Blee... now keep your hands off

I laughed as I put my phone back on the counter and quickly went over to take a shower. I had completely forgot that I had a Podcast today that required me to fly to LA. I didn't want to break the news to Sierra just yet, after all she just came back to me and I was going to be leaving her so soon. It was supposed to be for the weekend so I could work on some things for the new album, but I was going to tell Dre that I could work on whatever he wanted me to from home.

I was slowly digging through my closet to find something to wear when I heard Trevor quietly calling for Sierra in the room across the hall. I pulled out a pair of black pants and a red striped button down shirt and quickly pulled them on as I headed across the hall to grab Trevor.

"Morning buddy" I said with a smile as I walked in and sat on the bed next to him.

"Hi Ausin, where's my Mommy?" he asked sweetly as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes with the back of his little hands.

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