Chapter 27

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Sierra's POV

"God I missed you baby" she smiled at Austin, her hands running down his exposed chest as she spoke, her eyes slanting over towards me to make sure that I was viewing the whole thing.

"Ana what the fuck" he said pulling his arm back from her.

"Listen, we need to tell her what the hell is really going on, we can't keep hiding it Austin. I know you told her that you got rid of my number but we both know that you didn't" she said to him with a wink.

"Ana stop" he said, his jaw clenching.

I pulled away from him, not sure what to believe. My heart was telling me to believe that nothing was going on between them. I knew Austin, I could read him like a book. But right now when I looked at him I saw nothing. I nervously put my hair behind my ear with a shaking hand as I grabbed for my drink, finishing off the remaining contents of the glass in a few gulps.

"Stop what baby? It's about time we tell her. She thought she was so coy the day I came to your house by telling me how she was with you. I didn't have the heart to tell her that we weren't over" she said running her hands through his curly hair as she pressed her breasts up against his arm.

"There is nothing to tell her Ana, because there is nothing going on between us. You need to stop all of this right now" he said, his eyes taking on a glazed over look his jaw still clenched tightly. If he looked at me like that I would stop whatever shit I was pulling instantly, but she took her chances.

"Austin baby, it's fine. You can tell her that before you came back to your house the day you came back from the Joe Rogan podcast you stopped to see me. I'm sure she'll understand that you needed to be with someone who knows how to work you" she said, her lips pressing against his cheek close to his full lips and her hands resting on his thighs.

I looked over to see Adam with his jaw dropped at what was going on right next to me, Kelly sitting back with a satisfied look on her face. The rest of the team gradually getting each others attention by gently tapping the others shoulders.

I couldn't take it anymore, I was starting to feel like the butt of a very ugly joke that I stupidly fell for. What made it worse was even though Austin wasn't responding to any of her actions, he wasn't stopping her either. His words weren't enough for me. I bit my lip hard as I was trying to control the tears that were daring to break out of my eyes, as I just let what was happening in front of me continue. I was suddenly brought out of my thoughts when I felt Austin grab my hand and squeeze it tightly. I turned my head to look at him quickly not even caring that my eyes were filling with tears.

"Sierra baby please don't fucking listen to her. I didn't stop at her house when I came home from LA, I came straight home to you. I swear to you baby. I am done with her, I want nothing to do with her. You are the only girl that I want. I got off the plane, came straight home to you and we had the most amazing fucking night I've ever had. Please baby you have to believe me. Sierra look at me baby please" he said begging with me.

I looked up at his gorgeous face gently illuminated by the neon lights of the club. His eyes were looking at me not breaking eye contact, and the look on his face was pleading with me to know that he was telling the truth. I took a long hard minute to read him deciding that he was telling the truth about not going to see her when he came home to LA. But I couldn't help shake the fact that he wasn't fending off any of her obvious advances.

"Austin I believe you but I can't sit here and watch this. For someone who is done with her, you sure don't seem to be pushing off any of her advances" I said sadly.

"Sierra no please don't think like that" he said, desperation weighing heavily in his voice.

I gave him a sad smile before standing up and looking at the bitch sitting next to him with a satisfied look on his face.

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