Chapter 21

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Austin's POV

I walked out of my room after throwing on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt to find her sitting back on her knees up on my countertop reaching into the cabinet for the flour sitting high on the top shelf. I chuckled to myself as I watched her grab all of the things she would need for our breakfast before she hopped down.

"You know Sierra, you could've just waited until I came out here and I would've got that for you" I said as I walked up behind her wrapping my arms around her as she rested her head in the crook of my neck.

"When a girl is hungry you don't keep her waiting Ocean Eyes" she laughed turning around in my arms as she placed a kiss on my chin before turning around and walking back to the counter.

"Noted," I laughed as I walked up next to her, my hand snaking under my shirt that she had draped on her body as I gently rubbed at her lower back.

"So since you mentioned chocolate chip pancakes the other day that is all I want now" she laughed as she started to make the batter.

"Can we make them extra chocolate chippy" I laughed, grabbing the bag and pouring them in.

"Absolutely baby whatever you want" she chuckled as she started folding the chips into the batter as I poured a generous amount of the bag into the bowl.

"My only request is that I cook them, I don't like my pancakes thin" I laughed as I grabbed the batter bowl off of her, not even knowing this existed in my house.

"Excuse me, are you judging my pancake pouring abilities? Boy this relationship is going south real quick, you don't even trust me to make pancakes" she said under her breath as she rolled her eyes and grabbed a towel to wipe off her hands.

I couldn't help the smile that formed on my face as I heard her refer to what was happening between us as a relationship. Even though I knew nothing was confirmed, the fact that she gave it some sort of title made me happy.

I turned to look at her as she walked back to me with a glass of orange juice in one hand, my cigarettes and lighter in the other. She set the orange juice down grabbing a cigarette out of the pack as she put it between my lips and flicked the lighter lit. I took a long drag before turning my head to the side to blow it out.

"What was that for?" I asked with a smile pulling her into me.

"I noticed you didn't have one when you woke up, I thought you'd be craving one" she shrugged handing me the glass of orange juice.

"Thanks Si" I said, placing a kiss on her forehead.

"Your welcome Aus" she said as her body relaxed into mine.

I pulled away from her as I picked her up and sat her next to the stove so I could finish making our pancakes, but still meet my needs by having her close to me.

"I can get used to this" she laughed as she watched me making breakfast.

"Used to what baby?" I asked, leaning in and giving her a kiss.

"Waking up to you in the morning, making breakfast together for us and Trev, all of this" she laughed looking over at me.

"And I'll give this to you as much as I can Sierra. I will always do my best to put you first no matter where my crazy life pulls me" I said as I stood in between her legs connecting our lips together.

I put some pancakes on a plate and set them behind me on the counter grabbing two empty ones, forks and some syrup and butter from the fridge. I turned back around and helped her hop down as we sat at the counter to eat our breakfast.

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