Chapter 10

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Flashback: Austin's POV

I walked out of Trevor's dimly lit bedroom to find Sierra frantically trying to clean up the kitchen.  The ice thrown on the table for her wrist as she was quickly picking up the metal framed bar stools for the island before going over to the stove, grabbing the meat and throwing it away trying hard to give the house a look of normalcy.

She didn't even seem to notice my presence as she quickly went down the stairs to pick up the pieces of Trevor's toy. I grabbed the ice from the table and ran down the steps after her.

"Sierra, please stop" I said looking at her.

She fell back against the wall at my words, pushed her hair behind her ears and placed her forehead on her knees that were tucked up to her and started crying.

I sat down next to her and wrapped my arms around her, pulling her into my chest as she cried. I rubbed her back slowly and placed several kisses on the top of her head.

"Austin, no one sees what goes on here behind closed doors. You are the first person to be in this house aside from that girl he sees" she said nestling herself further into my chest.

"It's going to be okay Sierra. My Dad and Jodie aren't going to tell anyone what's going on. I promise you" I told her reassuringly, grabbing the ice and putting it back on her wrist.

"I'm just so scared Austin, I don't want anyone to know" she said looking at me, sadness pouring out of her eyes.

"Sierra, I know your scared but you have to do something. You can't live like this, you don't deserve this" I said staring into her eyes, pleading with her.

"Where am I going to go Austin? My parents live in Virginia Beach, my best friend lives in Maine. I have no one" she said quietly.

"You have me Sierra. I would do everything I can to give you the life you deserve" I said gently placing my hands on both sides of her face.

"Austin, I'm 28. I have a baby and I don't have a stellar job. Enough to pay the bills but that's it. You can't just say you want this before you know what your getting into" she said sadly.

"Okay and I just turned 24 and you can trust me completely when I tell you my job can take care of all of us very comfortably" I said realizing she hadn't really caught on to who I was yet.

"I'm not a damsel in distress Austin, you don't need to save me. I'd be fine on my own" she said quietly pulling away from me, standing up and heading up the stairs.

I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Although our talk on the patio seemed hopeful when she asked if I meant we could be more, it was going to be hard to pry her away from here. This is really all she has. As shitty and horrible as it is, this is home for her. I guess I shouldn't have expected her to swoon at my innuendos of wanting to be with her, although part of me was hoping she would.

I stood up and walked up the stairs to find her in the small bathroom off of Trevor's room. She was running a brush through her hair and applying makeup to her old and new bruises.

"I don't even know why I'm fucking trying. It's no good anyway" she said throwing her makeup down on the sink, turning around to face me.

I walked up to her and gently rested my hands on her waist, noticing her body turn rigid at my touch. I removed one of my hands and ran it down the side of her face as I placed a kiss on her forehead, her body relaxing almost instantly.

"Not everyone is like him Sierra. Some people would want you because they see all the good and the beauty in you and would give anything to give you the world. It's okay to let those people in," I said as I pulled a daring move and connected my lips softly with hers.

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