Chapter 12

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Sierra's POV

"Bye Ausin" Trevor yelled as we watched the black Cadillac escalade pull away from us.

I felt my heart break slightly as I watched the man I so desperately love drive out of my life... again. There is no question in my mind that his schedule was a huge deciding factor in me walking out of his life a year ago, and his fans thinking he was with me for a charity case. But despite what he has going on in his life, Trevor and I need to be a part of it. I cannot live without him.

"Okay Trev come on, we have to get ready. Kelly is going to be here in a few minutes to pick us up so we can get some of our stuff" I said, grabbing him by the hand and walking us into the house.

He merrily skipped down the hall to his bedroom. I helped him make his bed and pull on the clothes he wore last night before we made our way to mine and Austin's room. I pushed open the door that I distinctly remember being open when I walked by a few minutes ago, to see a petite blonde sitting on Austin's bed.

"Uhm excuse me but who are you?" I asked, pushing Trevor behind me.

"I think the better question is who are you and why are you in my boyfriend's clothes?" she asked, eyeing me up and down wearing nothing but a pair of black lace panties and Austin's purple unicorn shirt.

Suddenly it hit me who this girl was. She was Anastasia, the very woman I had asked Austin about. He had said it was over with her, and I believed him. It was written clear as day behind his eyes. So she was the kind of girl who didn't take a hint.

"Oh I know who you are. Your Anastasia. It's so nice to meet you, I'm Sierra" I said walking over to her and extending my hand. My Mother had always told me to kill people with kindness. I really had no intention of being rude to her, but she didn't start out on a good foot.

"Yeah whatever. So are you going to answer my question, why are you here wearing Austin's clothes?" she asked, crossing her arms over her chest and raising her eyebrow at me.

"Oh right, this old thing" I laughed looking down at the shirt. "It's kind of like our shirt really. We would share it all the time. Plus he thinks I look sexy in it" I said with a smirk as I bent down to talk to Trevor in an effort to not laugh at the expression on her face.

"Trev, why don't you go out and finish watching Finding Nemo okay?" I said kissing the top of his head.

"Okay Mommy" he nodded as he padded out of the room and down the hall.

I pulled my cell phone out quickly and sent a text to Austin. I couldn't believe this was happening. She had horrible timing. At least if Austin was here I would know how to defuse the situation a little better. I'm sure my smug attitude with her really wasn't helping, I just couldn't help myself.

SiSi 🥰😘
Anastasia is here....

Ocean Eyes🥰❤️
What do you mean Ana is there? Si what is going on?

She is sitting here on our bed. I have no idea what is going on.

Ocean Eyes🥰❤️
What is she saying?

She asked me why I was wearing her boyfriend's clothes. Aus, you told her....didn't you?

"Sorry I was just texting Aus. He's on his way to LA for a podcast. Was he supposed to meet you for something?" I asked moving through the room with ease.

"He what? I was supposed to be going on that trip with him, but then he stopped talking to me and never gave me the details. Now I know why, you came into the picture. Who the hell are you anyway?" she asked, watching me as I walked around.

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