Chapter 4

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Sierra's POV

I knew that I was completely going against everything I had said to him in the restaurant just a few hours before, but I couldn't take it slow with him. We picked up like we weren't even apart, and the moment I got in my car and left him, I felt anxious as if I would never see him again. When he sent me that text I knew that he was feeling the same way.

I led him down the narrow hallway to my small master bedroom and closed the door behind me. I felt him staring at me as I quietly padded my way throughout my room getting ready for the night. I pulled out a pair of shorts and a tank top from my dresser drawer. Without even thinking I lifted my shirt over my head and wiggled my hips out of my tight jeans, letting them fall to the floor with ease, completely revealing my red lingerie set I was wearing.

Moments later I felt his cold hands run across my warm skin as he came up behind me, his arms wrapping tightly around my waist, his lips lightly grazing against the skin of my neck. I immediately tilted my head for him to have better access. His hands started roaming up my sides towards my breasts as he slid his hands up under my cups gently grabbing them.

My arms went up and wrapped around his neck, his other hand leaving my warm breast and traveling down my stomach slipping it skillfully under the band of my thongs. His fingers quickly found their way towards my throbbing heat as he slid two of his thick fingers into my tight hole.

I let out a moan as I positioned myself for him to have better access as he slowly pumped his fingers in me, my heat aching with every stroke.

"Will you let me make you feel good SiSi, I want to show you how much I've missed you" he said lowly into my ear.

"Yes Austin, please" I moaned out.

He pulled his hand out of my thong and spun me around quickly to face him wasting no time connecting his pillow soft lips with mine, moving them skillfully as we both started to deepen the kiss. I ran my hands down his side hooking my fingers under the hem of his shirt and pulled it off of him, throwing it carelessly to the floor.

I pulled away from him biting my bottom lip as I ran my fingertips over every inch of his upper body, taking him in. He stood still staring at me as I took my time to reacquaint myself with the body that I had missed so much. I slowly leaned into him and pressed my lips against his chest, leaving a trail of kisses from one shoulder to the other before making my way down his body. I grabbed his hands in mine as I traveled back up to his body, lightly nipping at the skin on his neck before pulling away.

I looked up at him, his eyes hooded as he watched me reclaim him. I pulled his hands up and unlaced our fingers, gently kissing each pad of his fingertips with my soft lips before putting each one in my mouth and sucking lightly not breaking eye contact with him, repeating my actions on the other side.

"SiSi you are so God damn beautiful" he said his hand coming up and rubbing the side of my face.

I smiled back at him as I leaned in connecting our lips together, my hands playing with the band of his pants as I pulled them down letting them fall to the floor. I looked down and saw his growing bulge as I swallowed hard, remembering just how much I missed him and everything he had to offer.

I hooked my fingers in the waistband of his boxers pulling them down while I grabbed his hardened length slowly palming him as I started kissing back down his body sinking down to take him in my mouth.

"Shit SiSi" I heard him moan, his hands coming to the top of my head as I started to deep throat his cock.

I carried on for several minutes, my pillow soft lips gliding easily over his hardened length before I felt his hands snake under my arms pulling me up to look at him. Our eyes connected and the fire that I felt between us was unlike anything I have ever felt before.

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