Epilogue I: The Honeymoon

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Sierra's POV

I was lying on the plush white cushion that separated the infinity pool of our private villa at the Andronis Hotel in Santorini, my eyes gazing out at the picturesque turquoise waters of the ocean as the breeze blew softly through my long brunette locks that were hanging loose over my shoulders as it mixed in with the thin white coverup that lay over my shoulders, the wind catching it at my feet as it billowed into the air above me. I rested my chin on my hands letting out a long sigh, as my eyelids fluttered closed with a wide smile breaking out on my face.

Once I left Austin I had never imagined that I would be back. I thought that we were done for good, assuming that he was going to dwell on his heartbreak for a few days before he found some other girl on tour and she instantly became his girlfriend. Everything about me and Trevor becoming a distant memory to him, or a story to help him land his girl by how he was—and always would've been no matter what happened between us—my knight in shining armor.

I had always known that I was going to hang on to him, I never imagined myself with anyone other than him from the day he left his own party and came down to my house to watch Sons of Anarchy reruns with me and we made it official that we wanted to be together. I spent months crying myself to sleep at my parents house, each day the validation becoming clearer and clearer that I was going to end up without him and how I was going to break the news to my sweet little boy that he was never going to see Austin again.

However, it was my Mom who had convinced me that I needed to go back, that I needed to at least give it a try and if what we had was love that he wouldn't have moved on and even if he did it wouldn't be something serious enough for him to not come back to me. So I guess you can say that it was thanks to my Mom that I am now sitting on a beautiful balcony in Santorini in our private villa with the love of my life.

I fluttered my eyelids open at the feel of Austin's hands running along the curves of my side, his lips kissing up the center of my back before the reached my neck rolling his body to be lying next to me as he rested his hand on my lower back, my right arm wrapping around his neck slowly as he pressed his lips softly against mine, our tongues dancing a beautiful tango asthe sunlight serving as our spotlight as it shined its warm beams down on us from above.

"How are you Si?" he asked, his hand moving from my lower back to secure several strands of windblown hair behind my ear before he ran the tips of his fingers down my jawline as he pressed a chaste kiss onto my lips.

"I'm fantastic baby, everything is perfect" I smiled, placing a soft kiss on his lips before pulling away with a soft suction sound.

"Come for a swim with me?" he asked, sliding himself off of the cushion that separated  both sides of the pool, his entire body disappearing momentarily beneath the waves of the water before emerging quickly, his hands running over his hair that was slowly growing back on his heavily tattooed head and finally over his eyes as he swam over towards me.

I tilted my head at him and flashed him a small smile as I shimmied the white cover up off of my shoulders, letting it pool into a heap of white fabric next to me, my small baby bump visible between my white bikini as I pulled my long brown tresses high on top of my head in a messy bun before I slowly lowered my feet over the side. Austin wasted no time as he swam up to me, his arms reaching out to delicately grab me at my waist as he lifted me into the pool, my hands resting on his shoulders as he slowly lowered me down into the water.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist, his arms holding me under my ass as we pressed our foreheads tightly against each others, our gazes never breaking as they danced with each others neither of us daring to talk to break the beautiful silence that hung between us, the kind of silence that could only be felt between those two people who were truly in love, a silence that is only felt between two of the same souls.

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