Chapter 45

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Sierra's POV

It's been a week since I was discharged from the hospital, and I couldn't be happier to be back at home with Austin and Trevor. After Jodie's stay with me, the doctors decided that it would be okay if I were moved out of the ICU to a regular room down on the fourth floor. Austin insisted that I be given a private room instead of sharing one with someone else, which to be honest I preferred. That day was the first time that I had seen Trevor since the night of my accident. He came with Austin and they spent the entire day with me, and although it wasn't home just having them there with me made it feel like it was.

I was only in the hospital a few more days after that, the doctors wanting to make sure that my concussion was going to be manageable enough to take care of at home and making sure that I passed a few tests in order for them to feel comfortable enough for me to leave. Although I was against it, Austin stayed with me the remaining two nights. It was a sweet gesture and I loved having him with me, just feeling his presence in the room every night made me feel comfortable and get a better sleep then I would have gotten with Jodie or Rich in the room. But, I knew that Trevor really needed him right now. However, after several minutes of bickering back and forth I succumbed to his wishes and decided to just let him win this time. In the end, it made him feel better being with me and made me feel better too and Trevor was in good hands with Jodie and Rich so I wasn't worried.

Austin has been amazing since I have been home and it really set Jodie's words into perspective, I could see it in Austin as clear as day that he is more than ready to take on the responsibilities of being a father and there is no doubt in my mind he has all the qualities of being a great husband. Although he was doing a great job taking care of Trevor and making sure that I had everything I needed, I could see that it was wearing him down and he was becoming so tired. He had put all of his work for his album off to the side as he wanted to dedicate his time to helping me and making sure that I was recovering.

There were some benefits to this like our house, which is normally a whirlwind of activity, has been calm and quiet. Not that I hated the fact that he brought his work home with him, but it was so nice to recover in a quiet house and not have to worry about Trevor interrupting him during work or having people stay until all hours of the night putting last minute touches on things or just hanging out and listening to music while they smoked and drank.

I let out a small sigh as I sat further back into the couch, my head resting against the back cushions and my leg propped up on the large ottoman that I was so glad he had as I watched Trevor and Austin play with his trucks. I had been sitting most of the day aside from getting up with Austin's help to use the bathroom. I shifted myself in an effort to find a more comfortable position, the noise of it making Austin's head pop up as he looked at me with concern written heavily all over his face.

"Si, you okay?" he asked. Normally he would've been on his feet assisting me with my every move, but this time he remained calm and kept his place next to Trevor as he asked me the question. I had to have a talk with him that although I loved and appreciated his help so much, that he didn't need to help with everything that I was able to do things on my own and if I really needed his help I wouldn't be afraid to ask him.

I know my words hurt his heart slightly, but he seemed to accept the idea with open arms. It was a hard change for him at first, but over the past few days he has come to accept the fact that he doesn't need to help me with every slight move I make. Now the next thing I had to focus on was getting him out of the house so he can have some time to himself. That may prove to be a harder challenge then the first.

I let out a small smile as I saw Trevor stop playing with his trucks only for the smallest moment, his fists coming up to rub at his eyes as his mouth opened in the widest yawn I have ever seen. "Are you tired Trev?" I asked him. He looked over at me seemingly shocked that I had caught on to his display of exhaustion, shaking his head quickly back and forth.

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