Chapter 35

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Austin's POV

"Melo, what the fuck are you doing here?" I asked her, folding my arms across my chest as I stared down at her.

"Everything ended so quick yesterday I just thought we could be alone and you know, kind of finish what we started" she said with a smile as she reached her hands out to run down my chest.

"There is nothing to finish Melo, because nothing started. You were a mistake. Everything about being with you was a mistake starting with letting you collaborate on a song with me and ending with you trying to get me to have sex with you" I said through clenched teeth.

"You don't mean that" she said shaking her head quickly back and forth.

"I have never meant anything more in my life than that. We are nothing Melo, we were never anything and we will never be anything. I have an amazing girlfriend who is in my room right now who I made amazing love to just moments ago. No one is going to pull her away from me again" I said to her, hoping that she got the point.

A look washed over her face like something I have never seen before. It was almost as if something malicious took over her features, I swallowed hard suddenly afraid for what she was planning as I waited for her response. She stepped closer to me, her finger running slowly down my chest as she spoke to me.

"We both know that she is just the flavor of the week Austin. She isn't even your type, she can't satisfy you the way that I can. When you fuck up again and she leaves you, you can look me up. I know how to treat you and I know what you want. Just remember that Posty" she said quietly.

"You don't fucking know shit about me, and you certainly don't know shit about my relationship with Sierra" I said flatly looking into her eyes.

"I know more than you think, don't underestimate me" she said looking up at me, her tongue slightly resting between her teeth.

"Austin? Who are you....?" I heard Sierra's voice ring from the entrance to the kitchen.

Melo took her shot, she wrapped her arms around my neck and connected her lips with mine. I unfolded my arms from across my chest and pushed her away gently but it was too late. I looked over my shoulder to see tears flowing down Sierra's cheeks, a profound look of betrayal filling her face. She wrapped her arms around herself as I quickly noticed she was wearing a black silky nightgown that was mostly open in the back, her hair hanging down long over her shoulders. She looked beautiful and she did it for me.

She stood rooted to the spot, unable to talk before she quickly turned on her heel and raced back to the bedroom.

"Sierra, wait" I said as I started to walk after her, only to be stopped by Melo tugging at my arm to pull me back.

"It was about time she saw it with her own eyes, let it sink in. Let her accept it" she said pulling herself close to me.

"Your fucking insane! Get the fuck off of me! Get the fuck off of my property Melo, I don't fucking want to ever fucking see you again!" I said angrily as I started walking towards Sierra, only to be met with her racing towards me in the hallway.

She had changed out of her nightgown and was in a pair of jeans and an oversize t-shirt, a small bag slung over her shoulders as she walked passed me without even stopping.

"Sierra, please baby wait. I swear I didn't do anything. I didn't call her here, I didn't want her here and I sure as hell didn't kiss her" I said quickly turning and following her towards the door, to my dismay Melo still standing there proudly.

"Are you happy? You won. Congratulations have your prize. Just promise me you won't break his heart like he did mine. When he loves, he loves hard and he gives every amazing part of himself to you. Just respect that and don't take advantage of it. If you treat him like he's an actual person, love him, care for him, and most importantly be his friend over everything else you will have a healthy relationship. I wish you both the best of luck" she said to her through sobs as she ran down the stairs and towards her car.

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