Chapter 39

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Austin's POV

I walked out of the doors to the hospital, towards my car that was still parked in the emergency room entrance.  I felt my anxiety rising to its peak the further away I made it from Sierra. I was so afraid that she was going to wake up and I wasn't going to be there. The last thing she remembers is Melo standing in our doorway kissing me and me letting her drive away...again. She didn't know that I was following her and trying to stop her from leaving. If she wakes up while I am gone she'll really think I didn't care about us. I pulled a cigarette from my pack-making a mental note that I was running dangerously low-putting one between my lips and quickly sparking it lit. I started calming myself down as I convinced myself that my Dad would let her know everything that happened, as I tried to pull myself together remembering that I had to go home and be with our son. 

I finished off my cigarette getting into the car and slowly pulling out of the parking lot. I wanted to stop home quick and get a change of clothes for myself and grab my jeep since the car seat for Trev was in it. The drive home felt like a blur as I pulled into the driveway not even remembering how I got there. I pulled the car into the garage, walking into the house and straight towards our bedroom. I grabbed a small bag throwing in everything I would need for a day or two as I started heading for the door when a thought crossed my mind. I grabbed my phone dialing Jodie as I waited for her to answer.

"Hey kiddo, how you doing?" she answered sweetly. 

"As good as anyone can be when their girlfriend is still unconscious. Does Trevor have enough clothes?" I asked her, not really wanting to talk right now knowing that I would have to explain everything when I got to their house anyway. 

"He can use some for tomorrow" she said quietly. 

"Is he still awake?" I asked her. 

"He is" she said flatly but sweetly. 

"I'll be there in about twenty minutes. I'll see you soon" I hung up the phone as I walked back towards Trev's room. I opened up the drawers pulling out a pair of bootcut jeans and a black pocket tee and threw them in with my clothes. I double checked making sure I had everything I needed before walking out towards the Jeep, throwing my bag in the back and heading towards Jodie and my Dad's house.  

I pulled into the driveway quickly getting out, grabbing my bag and walking towards the front door trying the doorknob only to be met with it locking me out of the house. I rang the doorbell as I patiently waited for Jodie to come and answer it, a few seconds later seeing her smiling as she pulled it open wrapping me in a hug. I was hesitant for a minute until I finally returned the gesture feeling tears start to leak out of my eyes. 

"Austin it's going to be okay honey" she said quietly as she started rubbing my back gently, her comforting embrace only making me cry even more. I stayed fixed in the doorway wrapped in her embrace for several minutes, finally pulling away from her as she grabbed my bag out of my hands walking into the house as I followed her closing the door behind me.

"Where's Trev?" I asked pulling out a chair and sitting at the kitchen table, taking off my hat and running my hands over my head. I had no idea how I was going to tell our precious little boy that his Mommy was sitting in the hospital not able to talk to anyone. 

"He's watching Up" she said with a smile pulling out a chair and sitting down next to me. "Will you tell me what happened Austy?" she asked me quietly. 

"I'll give you the short version. Things were going great, we decided that we were going to put everything behind us and focus on the future. I went out to the kitchen to heat up dinner and as I was out there Melo appeared on our doorstep. I told her that I didn't want anything to do with her and that she needed to leave. Well, Sierra came walking into the kitchen and as soon as Melo saw her she pulled me in and started kissing me. I didn't kiss her back Jodie I swear, but I didn't push her away fast enough. Sierra went into the bedroom and grabbed her bag and ran out to her car. I tried to stop her, I went out and tried to have her hear me out but she wasn't having it. I tried so hard to get her to stay but she got in her car and left. She was crying so hard Jodie I should've known that something was going to happen. I watched her drive away and I didn't want the past to repeat itself, so I ran inside and grabbed my keys and started following her. I knew where she was going the amphitheater, but when I pulled off the exit and saw the ambulance, cops and fire trucks I knew it wasn't good" I said starting to cry as I put my head in my hands. 

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