Chapter 16

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Flashback- Austin's POV

I woke up to see Sierra sleeping peacefully on her side of the bed. Looking at her both made me feel a sense of comfort but also feel a pit of sadness in my stomach. She was single handedly the most amazing person I have ever met, and there was no fucking way in hell she deserved to be going through what she's going through. I wanted nothing more than to save her and her precious boy from this hell that they called home, I just didn't know if I was overstepping my boundaries by doing so.

I let out a sigh as I moved a piece of her hair gently out of her face, my thumb gently caressing her bruised cheek. I leaned in and placed my lips softly against her skin before pulling myself away.

"Sierra, if you would give me a chance, I would let you know what real love feels like" I whispered quietly to her before pushing myself up and heading out of the room.

I quietly closed the door behind me as I walked across the hall to Trevor's room. I slowly walked over towards his crib and looked inside. He was laying there quietly wide awake, his feet in the air with his hands attached. As soon as his eyes got a sight of me a smile spread across his face as he started babbling.

"Hi Trev, did you have a good night?" I asked him with a smile as I scooped him out of the crib.

He babbled in return as I carried him over towards the changing table.

"Now Trev, I'm new to this whole diaper changing thing, so no playing games now" I said tickling him gently getting a string of giggles in return.

He obliged as he laid there quietly playing with a toy I had given him off of the floor. I changed the diaper quickly, hoping I didn't get peed on, before picking him back up to rummage through the drawers to find him some clothes.

I pulled out a pair of tiny baby shorts and a onesie that said Mommy's BFF on it and slid him into it. Proud of my work, I carried him out to the kitchen and set him in his highchair.

"Are you hungry buddy?" I asked looking over my shoulder at him.

He started laughing and hitting his hands off of the tray for the highchair. I couldn't help but laugh with him as I watched his happy expression radiate through his entire body.

"I'm assuming that's a yes" I laughed.
I looked through the drawers and found a container of Gerber baby Oatmeal. I read the directions on it scratching my head. Not wanting to mess it up I picked up the phone and called Jodie.

"Morning Austin" she said happily into the phone.

"Hi Jodie, uhm I have a question for you?" I asked her.

"Go ahead" she said. I could hear a hint of laughter in her voice.

"How do I mix up this oatmeal for Trevor?" I said laughing into the phone.

"Oh how I wish I was there to see you be a Daddy" she laughed.

"Hey now, I'm doing a damn good job. My first diaper change was a huge success" I laughed into the phone.

"I'll believe it when I see it. Anyway, you add 2 tablespoons of the oatmeal and then double the amount of milk or formula and stir until it is creamy. But don't make it too thick or he will choke" she said.

"Uhm... okay I got it" I said grabbing a bowl from the cabinet.

"Tell that sweet angel good morning for me. He is such a doll" she said.

"I will Jodie. Thank you" I smiled before hanging up the phone.

I mixed up the oatmeal turning around with the bowl to feed Trev. I pulled a chair over to sit in front of him as I started feeding him his breakfast.

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