Chapter 63

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I grabbed the bracelet that Austin had just given me this weekend sliding it onto my wrist as I tightened the clasp, the last accessory to finish off my outfit for the night. I slowly ran my fingers through my curls, giving myself a once over in the mirror before I took a deep breath and started to walk out of the bathroom towards Austin, who I'm sure was waiting for me on the couch in the living room, having been dressed for the last half hour and most likely totally lost in an episode of either Rick and Morty, The office, or Sons of Anarchy. He's seen them all a ton of times but he never seems to get tired of watching them, or re-watching in the case of a few.

I stopped just outside of the living room, a small smile forming on my face as my prediction had been right. I took the opportunity of not being noticed to soak in his appearance. He was dressed in a dark navy suit, the white shirt that was underneath the jacket was tastefully undone with the rest being carefully and meticulously tucked into his pants secured with a black belt with a shiny metal buckle. I noticed that he was wearing his Louboutin's, my lips curving into a smile since I too was wearing the pair that he had bought me.

I quietly walked up behind him, my hands running smoothly over his shoulders before they started to run down his bare chest, our warm skin connecting with each other sending waves of electricity to start pulsing through my veins. I leaned down, my lips pressing onto the eagle tattooed on his neck, the heavenly smell of his cologne making my knees weak as I started to kiss my way up towards his ear.

"You look incredibly sexy Ocean Eyes" I whispered into his ear, my lips grabbing at the fleshy lobe of his ear as I slowly started dragging it through my teeth.

"Mmm come over here baby girl" he said quietly as I let out a small chuckle. I pushed myself away from him, the index finger of my right hand dancing across his shoulders as I made my way around the couch until I was standing in front of him, his eyes lighting up like a Christmas tree as they roamed over every inch of my body.

He brought his hands up to rest on my hips, his hands moving between the curve of my waist to my wide set hips several times, his eyes devouring me repeatedly as he grabbed my hands in his and pulled me down to sit on his lap. My giggles filled the space as he connected our lips together beautifully, my arms wrapping around his neck as our lips moved slowly over each other before we pulled apart slowly, the thumb of his right hand caressing the side of my face as he smiled sheepishly at me.

"You look absolutely beautiful Sierra. I am going to have to hold you close tonight so no one tries to steal you off of me" he said, pressing his lips against mine again.

"Someone is going to steal me at dinner?" I asked with a laugh, his bottom lip coming between his teeth as he looked at me with a smile that told me he had a confession to make.

"Okay so there is more than dinner tonight" he said with a smirk. "We are going back into SLC to have dinner at the Roof and then Rick is meeting us and we are going out to Wendover to the casino. I thought that I would ask him to drive us so we can both drink and not have to worry about getting back okay" he said, his eyes flicking down towards my lips before they came back to meet with mine.

"Ocean Eyes, that sounds like an amazing evening" I said with a smile, the fingers of my left hand lacing with his as he placed his lips against mine as if he couldn't get enough.

"Good I'm glad you think so" he smiled, giving my thigh a quick pat as I stood up in front of him.

He flicked off the TV, standing himself up as he grabbed onto my hand. Seeing his full outfit from head to toe making my knees weak, the butterflies in my stomach quickly flapping their wings as I was extremely thankful that he was holding on tightly to my hand. I quickly pulled myself together, following him as we walked out of the door in the kitchen that led out to the small overhang that served as a garage for his Rolls. He pulled the door closed behind him, quickly grabbing the key fob as he unlocked the doors to the Phantom, his hand stretching out as he opened up the passenger side door for me.

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