Chapter 18

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Austin's POV

"Dude way to be a fucking prick" I said loudly running my hands through my hair.

"Bro you didn't tell me you were dating a MMA fighter like shit, someone really took a hold of her and didn't give a shit to stop" Tyla said crashing into the chair across from me.

"She's not my girlfriend and if she was, she wouldn't look like that" I said putting my head in my hands and looking at the floor.

"Then why is she here?" Tyla laughed.

"Long story short, I met her at the Porcupine and saw her boyfriend beat the shit out of her in the parking lot. I brought her back to my house to make sure that she was okay and then she went home the next day. She called me that night crying to me for help and when I showed up he had broken her wrist, her head was bleeding from being thrown against her kitchen island, she has a broken rib and her body is bruised everywhere" I said looking up at him.

"Shit man, I'm sorry I didn't know" Tyla said apologetically.

"It's fine bro"I said shaking my head.

"I feel like a real dick now" he laughed.

"I mean I'm not going to say that you shouldn't, but you didn't know man. It's cool" I said.

"Is she okay though Post? I mean she's pretty fucked up" Tyla asked.

"She says she is. She says it just looks worse than it feels" I said standing up and grabbing a Bud Light from the fridge.

"So why is she here now?" Tyla asked as I threw him one, saying hi to Chris along my way.

"I didn't want her to be there. He left with some blonde chick before I came to her house that night and she said she heard him say he wouldn't be back for a few days but I didn't want to risk him coming home and doing something worse" I said.

"You like her" Tyla said with a smirk.

I rubbed the back of my neck as a smile pulled across my face. I didn't know that I suddenly became like an open book, yet here everyone knew how I felt about her without even knowing her or our situation. I guess there was no hiding it.

"Yeah, yeah I do. I can give her the life she deserves Tyla. I just want to be with her" I said.

"Just be careful bro" he laughed.

"She's not like other girls bro, she isn't into me for my money. She's genuine and has a huge heart" I said as I started walking away.

"Not with her bro. But I'm game if it comes down to you needing back up. No one treats a woman like that" Tyla said getting up and heading over to Chris.

I walked slowly back to the room I had given Trev across the hall from mine. I pushed the door open to see that it was empty. Turning around I walked through my door and felt an instant chill in the room as I saw she had left one of the doors open.

I was just about to walk out to her when I saw that she was sitting in the shorts and tank top she changed into earlier before she took a nap. I walked back to my closet and pulled out my Beach Fossils long sleeve before making my way towards the door. I paused for a moment as I heard her talking to Trevor.

"You are my world Trevor and your the only reason why I keep fighting because if I wasn't here for you, I'd hate to think what your life would be like" she said to him.

"Mommy likes what's happening with Austin baby, I'm not really sure what it is but all I know is I don't want it to stop" I heard her say as a smile spread across my face.

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