Chapter 61

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I woke up to the sound of the phone ringing incessantly in our room, Austin still holding onto me tightly, his breathing still deep and even as he maintained his slumber. I tried hard to block out the sound, hoping that I would be able to fall back into my sleep, but after a few more rings was unable to do so. I placed my hand on Austin's shoulder, giving him a slight shake as I pressed my lips to his neck.

"Austin" I said quietly, a small groan leaving his body as he tried to position himself so I wouldn't be able to shake him so easily. I let out a small laugh as I shook him softly again.

"Austin baby" my voice slightly louder than before as I did all I could to attempt to wake him up, finally feeling like I succeeded when I saw his one eye open and squint at me.

"Yes baby girl" he said with a slight smile, the phone having ceased it's tumultuous ringing at this point making me feel bad that I even tried to wake him up.

"I'm sorry I woke you up because the reason I did now stopped" I laughed, his hand coming to rest on my side as he spun me so I was laying on my back, his body hovering over me only halfway as he placed a chaste but sensual kiss on my lips.

"You're lucky I love you SiSi or you'd have a very grumpy Austin on your hands" he said, his fingers gently tickling my sides as he placed another kiss on my lips, as I tried to focus on our connected lips but couldn't stop feeling the tickles that were radiating through my body. "I wasn't done napping just yet, I was so comfortable holding onto you" he smiled, his lips pressing to my forehead as he rolled himself back down on his back and slung his arm over his face.

"Well here, let me make it up to you" I laughed, sitting up as I reached over him to grab his smokes off of the table next to him, a smile breaking on my face as I felt his lips graze against the full curve of my breast. I grabbed a cigarette from the pack, as I gently held onto it between my index and middle finger. I leaned down and gently pressed my lips to his, his hand coming up resting on the back of my head as he moved his slowly over mine before I pulled away slowly.

He left his lips parted, his eyes tiny slits as he stared up at me, his hand pushing some hair behind my ear as I placed the thin tobacco stick between his lips, the lighter in my hand flicking lit quickly as I held the flame up to the end of his cigarette. He inhaled deeply turning the end into burning orange ember, my thumb moving from the red ignitor as I threw the lighter back on the table, my hand resting on his stomach as I pressed soft kisses onto his chest.

"So" he said as he blew out a cloud of smoke from the side of his mouth. "Are you going to tell me what was so important that you woke me up for?" he asked with a smile, his arm wrapping around me as he pulled me up to lay against his chest.

"The phone was ringing and wouldn't stop" I said, his head lifting up from the pillow as he looked down at me with eyebrows raised a small chuckle leaving his lips .

"The phone was ringing, and that's why you woke me up" he laughed, the cigarette resting between his lips as he took another drag blowing the smoke out into the air. I covered my face with my hands as I nodded at him.

"Yes and I know I'm sorry" I said, peering at him through my parted fingers as he let out another laugh, his lips pressing against my temple as his hand started to rub slowly up and down my back.

I heard him take another drag on his cigarette, his left arm lifting up from my back as he looked at the white Mille that was on his wrist, a chuckle leaving his lips as I looked up at him confused.

"Now why are you laughing?" I asked rolling my eyes at him as he quickly finished off his cigarette, using the champagne glass that we used last night as an ashtray as he threw in the still burning butt, the sound of a small sizzle drifting towards me as the still hot ash hit the cool liquid.

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