Chapter 6

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Present Day- Sierra's POV

"Trevor, that was the best breakfast I have had in a long time. You make the best chocolate chip pancakes" Austin said sitting back in his chair, his hand on his stomach.

"Mommy how was your bagel and your coffee?" he asked excitedly.

"They were fantastic! If I knew you were such a good cook I'd have you make me breakfast every morning" I smiled at him.

"Well Ausin helped me, so you should tell him thank you too Mommy" he said finishing up the last few bites of his pancakes.

Austin looked over at me with a smile on his face as he sat himself up in the chair, clearly waiting for me to thank him for breakfast per Trev's request.

"Thank you so much for my breakfast Austin, it was amazing" I said smiling.

"Your welcome SiSi" he smiled leaning in and placing a quick kiss on my lips.

We both looked over at Trev who was busy playing with his food to have noticed the quick encounter between us. Although Austin and I used to date, Trev was too young to remember us showing our affection for each other in front of him. This was something we were going to have to tread lightly with. To Trev, Austin is just Mommy's good friend.

"Ausin, did you miss us?" Trevor asked with a mouthful of pancake.

"Of course buddy, I missed you and your Mommy very much" he said smiling at Trev before returning the smile to me, his hand drifting to my upper thigh that he started to rub slowly.

"Where were you?" he asked.

"Well buddy, I was very busy for a while. I wasn't at home for a few months, so your Mommy decided to take you on a vacation for a while and then when I came home I told her I would tell her so I can come and see you guys again" he said without missing a beat.

"Where'd you go?" he asked.

I laughed to myself, the last time that Austin saw Trevor, he was just learning how to talk, I don't think he was ready for twenty questions, but he was handling it with ease.

"I was everywhere buddy. I traveled all across the country" he said making it sound like some big adventure.

"Wow! Das so cool! Mommy, can we travel cross the country too?" he asked excitedly.

I looked over at Austin who gave my leg a reassuring squeeze.

"Maybe Trev, but you have to be really good to do that" I said laughing.

"I can be good Mommy, I promise" he said crossing his heart with his little index finger.

I stood up from the table smiling at his action, grabbing all of the dishes together and putting the syrup back in the refrigerator.

"Okay, the boys made breakfast and I'll clean up" I said walking over towards the sink with the dirty dishes.

"Does this mean Ausin and I can play trucks!?" he said hopping off his chair.

"It sure does buddy" I laughed.

"Come on Ausin, I have to show you all of the new trucks I got!" he said grabbing onto Austin's hand and starting to pull him out of the kitchen.

"Why don't you go get them out and I'll be there in five minutes okay buddy" he said messing up his hair.

"Okay!" he said as he ran out of the kitchen and down the hall to the living room.

I was starting to wash the dishes when I felt Austin come walking up behind me, both of his hands snaking around my waist as he placed kisses along my exposed shoulder and up the side of my neck.

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