Epilogue 2: 2 years later

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Sierra's POV

"Daddy! Daddy!" a happy two year old Gabriela yelled, struggling to break from my grasp as she reached for Austin who was reaching the end of the pit.

"Wait a minute baby girl, Daddy is almost done" I chuckled, giving her a kiss on the cheek as she nodded her head at me, a sleepy Trevor clung to my leg as he let out a yawn.

"Mom" he asked, my ears still getting accustomed to his change in addressing me, my heart aching that Mommy and Momma were to childish for him to call me now that he was a big boy—yes in our house 6 is a big boy.

"Yes Trev" I said, trying to bend down to talk with him over the screams of the fans next to us getting louder as Austin got closer and closer to us, Gabriela squirming extra in my arms at his closeness.

"Do I have to go to bed when we get back to the bus?" he asked, his eyes barely able to stay open as he asked the question.

"We'll see how you feel Trev okay?" I asked him rhetorically as I stood back up, Austin just a few people in front of us as he looked over with a wide smile, Gabriela now screaming beyond consolation as he reached out to grab for her, pulling her gently from my arms as he held her on his hip, the crowd going insane seeing him with her.

"How's my baby girl?" I heard him ask her, her two hands coming up to land on his face as she let out a giggle, Austin pressing kisses against her palms before continuing to sign autographs, smiling widely as people commented on Gabriela giving her a kiss each time before he got to us.

"Dad! Dad!" Trevor called for him, Austin bending down as he wrapped his arm
around him giving him a kiss on the forehead.

"Hey buddy, did you keep your Mom and your sister company for me like I asked?" he asked with a chuckle as Trevor nodded his head quickly with a smile on his face.

"Uh huh! I was a good big brother wasn't I Mom" he said looking up at me as I gave him a warm smile, my hand coming to mess up his hair as I shook my head.

"You were buddy a great big brother" I said, my head turning towards Austin as I saw him stand in front of me.

"And how is my other baby girl?" he asked, wrapping his free arm around my waist as he pulled me close to him, his lips pressing softly against mine before pulling away slowly flashing me that million dollar smile that I loved.

"Tired" I laughed. "These two are a ball of energy tonight, I have no idea how we are going to put them to sleep" I laughed as we started walking with his security towards the bus.

"I think I have an idea" he whispered into my ear. "And then we can have some much needed Si and Austin time?" he asked wiggling his eyebrows as I felt my face flush red.

"That would be lovely Ocean Eyes" I smiled, giving him a quick kiss on the lips as we walked out of the arena heading for the bus that the four of us called home for the last two months.

I have to admit, I was nervous when he had asked me to tour with him and to bring the kids. I was prepared to stay home with Trevor and Gabriela, calling Rich and Jodie to watch the kids for a weekend while I flew out to the bigger cities to see Austin perform and take them to a few smaller venues to watch their Dad here and there. But, when he had told me he wanted me there I wasn't sure what I should do. I was on tour with him while I was pregnant with Gabriela and things got a little out of control sometimes. Sure, Austin took myself and him away from the situation and it wasn't Austin's fault that it got out of control—rather those he had on tour with him—but I wasn't sure if that was a place I wanted our kids.

However, I decided that I would give it a try. Things were so much different now, I was 31 and he just turned 27. We took some time away from tour to go on a week long vacation to St. Tropez for his birthday, Austin renting a yacht that was far to big for the four of us but of course it didn't phase him. The team was slightly hurt that he didn't invite any of them to come along, but he told them that he wanted to spend his birthday with his family which meant so much to me.

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