Chapter 58

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"You just have to tell me one thing Ocean Eyes" I said with a smile as I leaned up against the door frame that led to the extravagant bathroom of the suite that he rented for what he claimed to be just a get away, my mind still finding it hard to believe as I looked over at him.

"What's that Si?" he asked with a laugh as he continued to flip through the channels, his gaze never leaving the screen as he was waiting for me to answer his question.

"What do I have to wear tonight?" I asked him with a laugh as I crossed my arms over my chest.

"In other words you want to know what I'm wearing?" he said, his eyes shifting over towards me as a sexy smirk pulled at his lips.

"Yes baby, that is exactly what I am asking" I chuckled as I watched him push himself off of the couch making his way towards the garment bag that he had hanging in the closet. I watched as he slid the zipper down, his body shielding the contents as he grabbed for something that was hanging behind the other piece of clothing that he had in the bag. He hung what he was after on the rack, something that looked to be grey which I was assuming was a suit, as he carefully zipped up the bag again.

"This" he said, turning around as he held a grey suit in his hand, a white shirt underneath the jacket and a pink tie "is what I am wearing tonight" he said with a smirk, my mind wandering as I imagined him in it. Him in a suit had always been one of my biggest weaknesses and he knew it. "Does this help?" he asked as he hung it over the door giving me a wink as he made his way back over to the couch and sat down.

"Yup, that most definitely does help me" I laughed as I drug my suitcase into the bathroom closing the door behind me.

I quickly plugged in my curling wand, as I started to dig through the clothes that I brought, extremely grateful that I had overpacked, my assumption being correct that he always had something else up his sleeve. Ironically enough I packed a light pink strapless dress. It had a sweetheart neckline that was tastefully decorated with light pink rhinestones sewn into the material that eventually faded to nothing and was fitted from the top right down to the end that was mid-thigh.

I stripped out of my clothing, throwing everything into the corner as I shimmied myself into the dress, struggling just slightly as I zipped it up smirking to myself that this would be perfect for Austin to take off of me later, this and my thong being the only thing that he would have to remove. I knew that the doctor had told us that we should be careful and ideally not have sex for at least 6 months and if we did to be extra careful, but everything about what he was doing seemed so romantic and I didn't want to keep any part of myself away from him, and it's not like we've been going crazy since we've been told.

I grabbed my jewelry case out of my bag putting on my silver Bulova watch, the bezel completely decorated with Swarvoski crystals as I clasped it to my tiny wrist, the bracelet that Austin got me on my other wrist complementing with it perfectly as I slid the diamond necklace around my neck that Austin had bought for me a week before I decided it was time for me to leave, the tiny diamond studs that my parents had bought me for Mother's day last year staying in my ears as I clipped up sections of my hair so I could start the agonizing duty of curling strand after strand of my long hair.

What seemed like years later I finally came to the last strand, carefully wrapping it precisely around the barrel as I left it laying there for just a few split seconds before letting it cascade from the barrel. I flipped off the switch as I gently shook my hair to loosen the girls just a little before applying a small amount of hairspray deciding that I would let the curls do their own thing throughout the night, giving me that more natural look as the night went on.

I put on a quick coat of makeup, just enough to give my face the glow that it needed as I grabbed the light pink heels out of my bag and slid them comfortably onto my feet, standing up as I clicked my way over towards the sink again, spraying on a quick spritz of Diesel perfume before heading towards the door. I took a deep breath as I felt myself become anxious, my hand turning the doorknob as I slowly pulled it towards me, my eyes practically falling out of my head as I saw Austin standing in front of the mirror in the bedroom.

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