Chapter 3

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Austin's POV
*1 1/2 years ago*

"She is one of the most beautiful girls I have ever seen" I said to Adam before picking up my beer to have a drink.

"Bro she's gotta kid, that automatically makes her off limits to you" he laughed putting another fry in his mouth.

"So you admit she's hot" I laughed.

"Yeah in a strange way" he said.

"I have to get to know her" I said looking over at him a small smirk on my face.

"What the fuck are you doing, I've been waiting outside for you like a fucking douche" I heard someone say walking towards her.

"I-I'm sorry Zach. Trevor made a mess and I had to clean him up an-"she started.

I didn't like the body language she was sending off, she was afraid of him.

"I don't give a fuck what he fucking did. I told you to be ready and your still hear fucking around" he said grabbing on to her arm tightly. I could see his fingers sinking into her soft skin.

"I could use some help here Zach" she said in what must've been an overly confident tone for him. Since he looked up at her with eyes insinuating she should watch herself.

"I'll fucking meet you outside" he scoffed walking away from her, not even offering to help.

I couldn't keep my eyes off of her and I was seething at what I just saw. I saw her looking around the restaurant nervously, probably hoping no one saw the interaction. She scooped up the now crying baby boy and tried quieting him down as she was getting angry looks from people around her.

I could she was becoming anxious as she fumbled with the diaper bag, her baby and grabbing her belongings from the table. I couldn't bare to watch it anymore as I stood up starting to go over and help her, completely in shock not another soul was daring to move.

"Don't do it Post, your messing with fire if you do" Adam said glaring over at me.

"I don't fucking care, no one treats a woman like that" I said walking over to her, Kevin my bodyguard following at a close distance.

"Hey, can I help you?" I asked her softly grabbing the diaper bag out of her hand.

"Oh uhm thank you for the offer but I've got it really" she said reaching out for the diaper bag and looking around my shoulder nervously.

I took the opportunity to study her, she had hazel eyes that looked like they used to sparkle for days, beautiful pouted lips and long brown hair that hung down the middle of her back. She was dressed very modestly and didn't have an ounce of make up on her face. She was a natural beauty, but you can tell she was tired and used, but despite that I was intrigued with her instantly.

I pulled back from her not wanting to overstep my boundaries as she grabbed the bag from me, struggling to balance it all in her hands all while the baby cried at the top of his lungs.

"Well then at least let me grab the door for you, would that be okay?" I asked knowing she was anxiously awaiting that asshole to come back.

"Uhm yeah, that would be so sweet, thank you" she smiled shyly.

"I'm Austin" I said walking next to her.

"Sierra and this is Trevor" she said not making eye contact.

I opened the door for her as she started making her way towards the parked car with headlights on. She turned her head looking at me with pleading eyes, not uttering a word.

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