Chapter 49

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Sierra's POV

His strong inked hands traveled up my torso cupping both of my supple breasts giving them a slight squeeze before holding them gently, letting the stiffened peaks brush against his palms as I continued bouncing on top of him. I tilted my head back, his lips connecting with mine kissing me with a heated passion as I felt him start to stiffen more inside of me.

"You gonna cum for me baby?" I asked him in a breathy whisper as I pulled away from his lips, his still slightly parted as he gazed down at me.

"Only if you do" he teased in my ear, his teeth nipping at the skin causing me to moan in deep pleasure. I grabbed his hand from my right breast bringing it up to my mouth as I slowly started sucking on his index finger, his dick twitching inside of me as he watched the seductive action before dragging it down my torso as I guided it to the swollen nub of nerves begging to be touched.

He ran his fingers dangerously close to my clit, teasing me as he worked his way around it until I begged him to touch me, the corners of his lips pulling into a smile as if my reaction was exactly what he was looking for. He melted his lips with mine, his tongue dancing erotically with my own as he pressed beautiful circles onto my swollen nub, strings of moans leaving my mouth as they traveled to his.

"Oh my God Austin, Austin just like that" I moaned loudly, my head resting against his shoulder, my left arm reaching up around his neck.

"Cum with me angel, you have me so close I can't hold it much longer" he said against my neck before pressing his lips roughly to my skin.

I started bouncing on him harder, his dick bottoming out in me as he was relentlessly hitting my g-spot with each movement I made. I let out a loud moan as I felt him touching my clit softer, the sensation quickly building up my pleasure as I started to feel the euphoria coursing through my veins. "Austin baby, I'm gonna cum please don't stop"

"Fuck" he moaned, my walls starting to clench around him. "Keep going baby," he said breathing heavy.

"Austin" I moaned, feeling myself fall into a sea of pleasure, drowning in an intense wave of euphoria as my walls wrapped around him tightly, both of us moaning loudly as our bodies took over, twitching as we both made our releases.

I rested back against him like a rag doll, limp from the two intense orgasms I had had in a short amount of time, chuckling as I felt his lips brushing against my skin, his hands running up and down my thighs. "I love you Si so fucking much baby" he whispered into my ear.

"I love you to Ocean Eyes" I smiled, pressing my lips to his cheek as I slowly pulled myself off of his soft member sitting on the edge of the bed as I crashed my back into the mattress, Austin doing the same as he rolled his head over to talk to me, his fingers searching for mine as he laced them together.

"Can we take a break?" he asked me, eyebrows raised as his thumb rubbed over the top of my hand. I looked at him playfully, a small chuckle leaving my lips as I pressed a chaste kiss on his lips.

"Did I wear you out baby?" I laughed, kissing him quickly again as I connected my eyes with his, his bright blue irises capturing my soul as I stared into them deeper.

"Hmmm, maybe" he laughed, rolling over only slightly as he buried his face in the crook of my neck, leaving one final love bite before he got up off the bed and headed towards the bathroom. He came back with a warm cloth minutes later, cleaning up his slick juices from my leg that had managed to escape before grabbing both of my hands and sitting me on the edge of the bed.

He turned around rummaging in his dresser pulling out his purple butterfly shirt that he and I seemed to share ever since we've been together and sat it on top of the dresser before pulling on a plain black carhartt t-shirt and stepping into a pair of Calvin boxers. He turned around, the shirt clutched in his hand as he walked towards me, helping me slide it over my head as it hung loosely over my petite frame.

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