Chapter 50

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Sierra's POV

It's been two months since my accident and a little over a month since I've been home. Things haven't changed much, Austin is still being the most amazing fiancé-so i don't have a ring yet but he still asked so that counts right?-I could ask for. He never left my side through anything, coming with me to all of my doctors appointments and giving me strong words of encouragement through my physical therapy, especially when he noticed that I wanted to punch the therapist in the face if he made me bend my leg any further than 45 degrees for the fifth time in the session.

He was the most incredible Dad to Trevor, more so than he was during the short 6 months that we were together and that's saying something because even at that point he was amazing. He did whatever I wasn't able to do until I was well enough to do it. Not to mention, he had developed his own routine and bedtime with Trevor all on his own. It was always dinner, bath, movie, bed by 8:30. Most of the time I would walk into Trevor's room to find Austin laying fast asleep with Trev in his arms, the sight so relaxing that a few times I let him stay where he was. Other times I would quietly kiss him awake, watching as he would make Trevor comfortable in the bed without him, placing a stuffed sloth next to him to make up for the loss of warmth from his body before pulling the covers up to his chin and placing a kiss on his head.

During my recovery period, Austin always did his best to keep any and all business out of the house. I often remember hearing him get into some arguments with Dre that he didn't care if it was just Lou who was coming to work on a song, he didn't want anyone in the house while I was recovering from everything. I know that he was doing it for me and it killed me just a little to know that me being a part of Austin's life was still upsetting to Dre, and I still hated putting Austin in that awkward spot of choosing me over the person that he knew for his entire career. But I would be lying if I said a tiny bit of excitement didn't ooze out of me whenever Austin took up for me and didn't give into Dre's requests.

He had only had to leave me a handful of times since I've been home, never for longer than a few hours and he never truly left me alone. After the night that we spent together, the both of us cleaning out the demons in our closets, he was always sure to have Jodie come and spend the time he was gone with me incase I needed help with Trev and just to have someone to talk to. He would always check in about once an hour to make sure that everything was okay, until Jodie would finally send him a message asking him if he doubted her abilities.

Today happened to be one of those days that he left me home alone, but not for work purposes. He took Trev with him to his Dad's house so that they could watch the game. It kind of became a ritual after the first time he took him, about a week after our night alone together, and now it is almost expected that when I know the Cowboys are playing that Austin and Trevor would be on their way to Rich's house. It was okay with me, I liked the quiet and it gave me sometime to bond with Jodie.

"Si are you feeling okay?" Jodie asked me as we made our way over to the couches. I was able to use my leg fully now, pressing full body weight on it. But, my gait was still slow, walking as if I was a toddler finding their feet for their first time.

"Yeah, I'm okay. Why do you ask?" I said with a chuckle, plopping myself down on the couch bringing my leg up underneath me as I rested the other one out in front of me.

"You just look a little more tired than normal that's all" she smiled, her eyes not leaving mine as she looked at me as if she knew I was hiding something from her. I tried to play it off like everything was fine until I felt myself break under her kind stare.

"Okay fine. I think I'm pregnant" I said looking over at her only to be met with a smug smirk forming on her lips.

"I knew it!" she said excitedly, getting herself up from the oversized arm chair as she sat next to me. "Morning sickness? Mood swings?" she asked.

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