Chapter 51

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Life has been like floating on a cloud ever since Austin and I had found out that we were pregnant. I have never seen Austin happier about anything since Trevor and I came back into his life. He would randomly kiss my stomach and tell our baby how much he loves him/her, he was throwing out baby names left and right and he was already planning on the best place to keep our nugget when he or she arrived. I had called and made and appointment with the doctor the day after we found out and we set up a date for our first ultrasound appointment. Austin moved things around in his schedule so he could be there with me, and I was so thankful for that.

I remember the day like it was yesterday, even though it was almost three months ago. Austin and I were sitting nervously in the doctors office waiting to be called for our ultrasound, watching as the other happy parents walked out of the office, smiles on their faces as they looked at their little ones on the strips of photos they received from their appointment. He would constantly squeeze my hand for reassurance, pressing a small kiss to my cheek as he whispered his fair share of I love you before we heard our name being called to go back.

The both of us nervously walked back to the office, Austin's hand never leaving mine as the ultrasound tech started moving the wand over my stomach, tears falling out of his eyes as he saw the little kidney bean shaped embryo that would grow into our precious little baby.

We decided to tell Jodie and his Dad when we got home, mostly because I knew that Jodie was dying to know. The both of them were never more excited. We told them that the baby was due on Memorial Day and was measuring a little smaller than normal, but everything was looking good. They respected our wishes to not tell Trevor just yet until we were safely through the first three months, promising that they would keep it a secret. We only had a 2 more weeks to go and Jodie and I were already making plans on the best way to tell him about his baby brother or sister.

Austin didn't let the talk about work go unattended either and what he had to tell me came as quite a shock to me, though I'm not quite sure why. As promised that night he did let it go until the next day, allowing us to relish in the happiness of our baby. He had told me that Dre had called him while he was at his Dad's house watching the game and told him that he had a lot of work to do on the album. I guess that part didn't come as a shock to me, especially since Austin was really very strict on keeping his work out of his house while I was healing, but what came as a shock to me was the fact that he was going to be gone for almost two weeks.

Even though at the time it was several months away we discussed the situation at lengths, coming up with idea after idea of what was going to happen while he was gone. We thought about me staying at the house with Trevor, but quickly decided that that was what brought us to our demise the last time and didn't even want to entertain the idea. We also thought about me staying a week at home and then a week out in LA with him, but that also did not seem like the right thing to do. After what felt like several hours of deliberation we had finally come to our decision.

Austin had pulled some strings and rented us a house in Beverly Hills in a gated community where no one would bother us. We decided that we would take Trevor with us, and Austin had talked with his parents to see if they would come out with us so I wouldn't be left alone at the house while he was in the studio with Dre. To be honest I was extremely nervous about staying out in the Hills with Austin, California was never really a place that I wanted to be but it was something I would do for Austin because I knew that he would rather have me with him instead of leaving me behind again.

I was getting ready to head out to dinner tonight with Austin and the team. They were taking someone that they were collaborating with for the album out to one of their favorite restaurants in LA and Austin wanted me to be there. To say I was nervous was an understatement as I started rummaging through the clothes that I had brought with me, throwing everything I pulled out to the floor deeming it not appropriate for dinner at a fancy LA restaurant.

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