Chapter 67

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Sierra's POV

I was standing in front of the mirror in the lodge that Millcreek provided for me to get ready. I couldn't believe that we were actually at this point, the both of us finally getting married after all of the years that we have been together, the ups and the downs that we had, not to mention the strain that our relationship has been through since I've been back and yet we managed to pull through everything, coming out ten times stronger and happier than we were when we started.

I had yet to slip into my dress, the hair dresser having just finished my hair and make-up as I was now waiting for Jodie and my Mom to come help me get ready. Typically this was a moment that would be reserved for your maid of honor and the rest of your bride tribe to help you with, posing for perfect photo ops, drinking mimosas and laughing about all of the things that happened at the bachelorette party that not a soul was to know about because it was that close to something that would make your soon to be husband call off the wedding.

Austin did convince me to have a few girls be part of the wedding, and although I heavily protested against his wishes I finally gave in deciding on having Tatiana, Marine, and Carly be part of the wedding. I knew all three of them well enough, Tatiana pretty much lived with us most of the time, Marine was always around whenever Jay was around and Carly, well I guess you could say she is really the only person that would closely represent a friend of mine. I met her one day when Austin went to go look at a new gun at Gallensons and we just instantly hit it off, not to mention she has a little boy Trev's age so it was nice for him to have someone to play with.

I rested my hand delicately on my stomach at the thought of Trev, my thumb rubbing over my still hidden stomach gently as I smiled down at it. Things have been going great so far with this pregnancy. Austin making an appointment for me at the doctors as soon as the excitement went from a boil to a simmer, the both of us happily walking into his office the next day with news that the placenta is looking strong and the baby's heartbeat is quick and healthy sounding. We were set to have the baby in March which was only eight months away being that we were already a month into our pregnancy.

Although things were going well I was told that I had to stop in for checkups on the baby twice a month being that I was at high risk due to the loss of my last child. It was a small price that I was willing to pay to make sure that our son/daughter was healthy and strong. Austin had asked if we could schedule appointments around our honeymoon and if it were possible for appointments to be set up while we were on the road, me staying home not even close to being an option since I was pregnant, his protective papa bear side coming out immediately as myself and the baby were first on his list of things to take care of.

"I love you baby and I am so happy that you are a part of me, your Daddy and your big brothers day" I said with a smile, both of my hands resting on my stomach as I smiled at my reflection in the mirror, a small knock on the door bringing my attention back down to Earth as I said a quick it's open before my Mom and Jodie appeared on the other side.

I looked at their reflection in the mirror, a wide smile spreading across my face as I saw my Mom for the first time since I moved back to Salt Lake City, my feet wasting no time as they ran over to her, my arms enveloping her in a hug as I started to cry, a small chuckle leaving her lips as she wiped the tears away from my perfectly made up face as she gave me a small smile.

"I missed you Mom" I said with a chuckle as a new wave of tears started to slide down my face at the fact that she was actually here.

"I missed you too SiSi, but it seems like you are in fantastic hands with Jodie" she said looking over at the person who had quickly become my Mom for all intents and purposes since I've been back, everything about Jodie making me feel like I was with my Mom whenever we would have time to have conversations by ourselves.

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