Chapter 66

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I sighed as I woke up to an empty bed, my arm reaching out as I grabbed the pillow next to me as I breathed in the deep scent of the man that I was missing so much. Austin had been in LA for the last three days, having to leave just two days after we got back from our weekend getaway. The day he left a turmoil of emotions as he was terrified of bringing up horrid events from the past.

Things were much different this time though then they had been the previous time that he left me for work, for starters he wasn't traveling halfway across the globe, he was only going to be a few hours away from me which made him being away slightly more tolerable. Second, we were in a much better place in our relationship. We had a connection that was beyond anything that I could explain now, and although this was going to be a small test I knew it wasn't going to cause any kind of unnecessary strain on our perfect relationship.
I groaned quietly as I felt a turmoil of waves course through my stomach, my hand resting gently on top of it as I took in a few deep breaths, the feeling slowly starting to fade away as I brought my hands up to either side of my head letting out a small laugh. I'd be lying if I said that things were starting to feel very familiar to me down there, but again I didn't want to get my hopes up only for them to be shattered.

I sat up slowly, the room spinning just slightly as I grabbed the bottle of water that was sitting on the nightstand taking several long gulps before getting myself out of bed and walking towards the bathroom. I quickly splashed water on my flushed face, the rosy red cheeks sticking out prominently against the cream colored complexion of the rest of it, before quickly grabbing my toothbrush and other things I would need to complete my morning routine.

This morning felt a little different than the previous, the queasy feeling in my stomach hanging around longer than normal, accompanied by a headache that felt like tiny gremlins were mining for diamonds constantly. The only thoughts I could think of were of crawling back into bed, pulling the covers up over my head and sleeping for the next several hours.

I walked back into the bedroom, not even bothering to get dressed today, deciding that Trev and I were going to have a day home and my shorts and tank were going to be sufficient. I grabbed my phone off of the dresser, not even bothering to make the bed with the hopes that I would be able to climb back between the heavenly sheets as soon as Trev went down for his nap.

It was only seven and I knew that Trev was going to be sleeping for quite some time yet, so I walked into the kitchen thinking that if I drank a steamy cup of coffee it would put a numbness on the pain that was banging against the walls of my scalp. I grabbed my favorite cup out of the cabinet setting it under the spout of the Keurig and putting in the pod before hitting the button for it to brew, my eyes flashing to my phone that was lit up on the counter as I smiled widely to myself when I saw Austin's name lit up on the banner.

"Hey baby" I said quietly into the phone, my body slumping into a chair at the island, my elbows resting against the marble countertop  as I rested my head in my right hand.

"Si, you okay?" Austin asked, his voice dripping with concern as he waited for me to answer his question.

"Yeah baby, I'm just tired today" I said with a small laugh, my eyes closing as I felt that familiar wave of nausea rolling through my stomach again, taking in a deep breath as I let it out slowly.

"Sierra, are you lying to me? You don't sound okay" he said, his voice starting to fill with slight panic as I tried to hide from him the fact that I was feeling like I needed to throw up the contents of my stomach into the nearest toilet.

"I just have a bad headache and kinda feel sick" I said with a laugh, my eyes opening to the sound of the beeps of the Keurig as it finished filling my cup with the dark brown liquid.

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