Chapter 25

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Austin's POV

"You know what Austin, why don't we wrap it up for the day. We'll continue working on everything tomorrow when Melo gets here" Lou said with a smile as he started putting away his shit.

"What? My man is on fire! Why stop now?" Dre said walking over to me.

"Because, we've kept him long enough Dre. He's got plenty of work ahead of him and a long day tomorrow to make this collaboration work. He needs a break" Lou said looking at me with a smile as he continued to pack up ignoring Dre's request to keep working.

"Thanks man," I said standing up and lighting a cigarette as I eagerly walked out of the room to go find Sierra and Trev, leaving Lou and Dre to hash it out without me.

I walked down the hall towards the living room and stopped in my tracks when I heard Sierra talking with Trevor.

"How did you know I was talking to Austin? Were you reading my texts you little sneak" she laughed beautifully as Trevor's laugh filled the air as he begged her to stop.

"Okay okay I'll stop" she said catching her breath.

"No Mommy, you just smile big when Ausin text you or talk to you" I heard his innocent toddler voice explain to her. I couldn't help the smile that spread across my face at his words as I leaned up against the wall looking at them, Sierra too caught up in Trev's recognition of her demeanor to notice I was watching.

"Listen, Austin and I need to talk with you when he's done working okay Trev?" she said quietly as she started smoothing out his light brown hair.

"Am I in twouble?" he asked quietly, snuggling in close to her.

"Of course not. Austin and I just need to tell you something that's all" she laughed as she put a kiss on the top of his head.

"I think I know what it is" he said as I saw him get off of her lap and crawl up to sit on the couch, his head held down as he played with a car in his hands.

"Oh yeah, and what is that?" she said with a smile as she sat down next to him.

"Mommy, is Ausin my Daddy?" he asked her as he looked up at her with wide innocent eyes.

She lifted up her head, finally realizing I was there as she made direct eye contact with me. I could visibly see her swallowing hard as she was not sure how to answer this question. I know she had said that he never asked about Zach, but I never in a million years thought he would ask if I was his Dad. I felt my heart fill with raw emotion as I realized I needed to go over and be a part of this conversation.

I walked over to her and grabbed Trevor up in my arms pretending that I didn't hear his most recent question to Sierra..

"Hi buddy! I heard you've been dying to see me all day" I smiled as I sat down next to Sierra, Trevor in my lap.

"Yeah I missed you. I want to go back and see you but Mommy say no, that you was working weally hard" he said.

"Well like with most things, your Mommy was right buddy, but I'm here now" I smiled as I put a kiss on his forehead.

"Ausin?" he said as he looked up at me.

"Yeah buddy" I said with a smile.

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