Chapter 15

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Present Day

I wiped the tears from my eyes as I heard Austin come walking out towards me. He pulled a chair over and sat down resting his hand on my inner thigh.

"Si, what happened?" he asked, his sad blue eyes staring at me.

"Just memories it's nothing really" I laughed.

"Sierra, tell me" he said not breaking my stare.

"When you said tons of people would be here this weekend I thought back to the first party I was at. The very first time I got my labels charity case and Grandma" I said shaking my head and laughing.

"Sierra, things have changed so much since then. Believe me" he said giving me a comfortable stare.

"So when I came back into your life you can tell me that not one person has called me one of those?" I said looking at him with a smile letting him know he was being sweet but I also knew he was lying.

"Well Brian, but that's it. Adam is so happy your back" he said rubbing my thigh gently.

"What about Dre? I'm sure he was ecstatic to know that I was back in your life" I said pulling my gaze away from him taking a long sip of wine.

Dre and I never got along, and I guess I didn't make the situation any better after confronting him about not caring for Austin like he should, always pushing him and never giving him a break. I know how close he and Austin were and I knew I was over stepping my boundaries, we had just started officially dating a few weeks prior. But, I had to get it off my chest.

"Dre is Dre Sierra" he said looking at me.

I took a deep breath as I turned my head to face him. I laid my hand gently on top of his.

"Look I know I apologized before, but I'm going to do it again. I'm sorry for what I said to Dre that night. It wasn't my place. You have a bond with him that no one will ever understand Austin. You may get annoyed with him, but at the end of the day it's all love. I had no right to tell him he doesn't care for you, only you have that right."

"I have forever put you in an awkward spot now whenever Dre and I are together and that's the last thing I have ever wanted to happen. Your right, it doesn't matter what other people think of me Austin. As long as we are happy that's all that matters to me anymore" I said flashing him a sweet smile.

"And I've never been happier with anyone Si. I swear to you. You are my world" he said as he connected his eyes with mine deeply.

"I know Austin. I can you read you like a book remember" I laughed.

"One of your many talents" he laughed rolling his eyes.

"It's a blessing and a curse for you, huh baby" I chuckled sitting up in my chair and positioning myself in between his knees.

"Yes, yes it is Sierra" he laughed as I leaned up and connected his lips with mine.

I put both of my hands on his thighs as I pushed myself up, our lips never losing connection. His hands drifted up the backs of my thighs until they rested on my ass, giving it a tight squeeze.

I giggled against his lips as I pulled his shirt over my head throwing it on the floor pulling away from him.

"Come on baby, its a beautiful night for a swim" I said quietly before walking over to the pool and diving in.

I watched in amazement as he quickly undressed himself, revealing his perfect body to me. He walked over and dove into the pool. He swam up to me, his hands finding my body as his lips gently kissed their way up.

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