Chapter 55

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"Si?" Austin asked me quietly, our still naked bodies tangled together as promised under a thin maroon blanket that was hanging over the back of the beige colored couch, both of our wine glasses and a fresh bottle sitting on the dark wooden tray that sat perched on top of the matching oversized ottoman in front of us, soft music floating through the speakers of the TV that now had the factory set screen saver bouncing happily from edge to edge.

"Yes Ocean Eyes" I said to him with a smirk as I looked over my shoulder at him. We had been lying together for what was undoubtedly several hours, moving every so often to a new position, Austin getting up only once to get wine and glasses before coming back to pull me in close to him and tell me how much he loves me. A mix of laughter, tears, and romance springing up between us with each passing tick of the clock.

He leaned into me and pressed a quick kiss on my cheek before I turned my body within his arms, his body reacting in any means necessary to allow me to get comfortable as I tangled my legs between his in a new way, his arms moving off of me only momentarily before he wrapped them around me again. I rested my head on the rather large and full pillow that he had behind our heads as I stared intently into the oceanic blue eyes that I had fallen in love with so long ago.

"Can you be free this weekend?" he asked me again, his eyes dancing with mine as the fingertips of his right hand ran smoothly along my spine, as I gave him a smirk.

"Hmmm, let me think about that for a second" I said giggling slightly as he broke out into a smile. "Baby, I'm a homebody. I do nothing but stay home or do something with Jodie and Trev. I'm pretty sure it isn't a problem for me to be free this weekend" I laughed, his smile becoming wider as it reached his eyes a small glint existing in them that I haven't seen since our horrible news.

"Well in that case, we have a date this weekend. Trev is going to be part of it but only for a few hours, after that Jodie and Dad are going to watch him if that's okay" he said, his eyebrows raising slightly.

"Baby of course that is okay. But now it's my turn to ask you a question" I laughed, a smile forming on his face as he asked me a playful what, his lip coming between his teeth as he waited patiently for me to answer. "Am I going to need to have a full on spa day before we go?" I laughed.

"Don't you worry your pretty little head SiSi" he said, tapping the tip of my nose as he pressed a kiss to my forehead. "I have something all set up for you for Thursday and I hope you don't mind but I invited Jodie to go with you" he said, a skeptical look on his face.

"Why would I mind that baby? I love your Mom" I said to him with a smile, my fingertip coming up to trace the gauntlet tattoo on the side of his face.

"She loves you to Si, you're like the daughter that she has never had" he said. "To both of my parents. They were just as devastated as I was when you left that day Si" he said, the words that left his mouth making my heart ache like it always did when he brought up the day that I had decided to end our relationship.

I brought my finger up to his lips, pressing the pad of it softly against his plump pink ones a quiet shhhh drifting from between my lips before I leaned in and put a kiss where my finger had just been.

"That was a mistake that I will never make again Austin. I promise you that you will have me forever," I said to him. He pressed a long lingering kiss to my lips before I heard a soft tune float from his lips that was amplified by the raspy nature of his voice sending a wave of beautiful goosebumps flooding over my body.

I swear you're an angel
Sent to this world
What did I do right, to deserve you girl
I could stay here forever
I'd be fine if we never
Had to even leave this room

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