Chapter 65

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Sierra's POV

I woke up to the sound of birds happily chirping a playful tune outside, a bright ray of sun shining through the curtainless windows as a small smile tugged on my face remembering that we were at Austin's house, presumably my house as well, in three short weeks, in Morgan County. I stretched my arms over my head as a loud groan left my lips almost as if my muscles were thanking me for waking them before I rested them back down under the covers again.

I rolled over to see a small bundle of purple flowers tied together with string lying on the pillow next to me, my hand gently grasping them as I brought them softly to my nose, taking in a deep breath immediately recognizing the scent as lilac, one of my favorite wildflowers. I clenched them tightly between my fingers as I slid myself from the bed, the sheets hanging around me loosely as I slowly walked over towards the French doors that led to a small balcony that I didn't seem to notice yesterday.

I pushed through them, my body emerging into the warm sunshine of the early morning as I brought my hand subconsciously up to rest on my stomach, my thumb rubbing over it gently as my gaze traveled down to watch the small action. The conversation that Austin and I had in the shower last night was still weighing comfortably on my mind. Something felt different about me since the first time we had sex after loosing the baby, I felt complete like the very last piece to my puzzle was finally being put into place.

I know that he felt something too, but I didn't want to be overly eager about the situation, knowing that often times your body took several months after a miscarriage to get into proper working order again, but no matter how hard I tried to push the thought to the back of my mind I just felt like something was different and I found myself to be in the same eager mindset as him waiting to find out the news.

Letting out a relaxed sigh I turned to walk back into the bedroom, dropping the sheet from my naked body as I walked over towards Austin's dressers, opening a drawer as I laughed quietly to myself. This man had more clothes than I could ever dream of stashed everywhere, making me wonder why he even bothered to pack an overnight bag for this trip if he had everything he needed here.

I quickly grabbed a random shirt out of his drawer as I tossed it over my head, the large short sleeves resting just above the bend in my elbow as the hem danced across the middle of my thighs, just enough to cover my backside from view however not that it mattered since he and I were the only ones in the house. I looked in the mirror thinking about fixing my hair but decided against it, leaving it to lie loosely over my shoulders knowing that he would find me sexy no matter how I showed up.

My feet padded quietly down the carpeted stairs towards the kitchen as I paused on the bottom step, watching as Austin effortlessly made his way around the kitchen, a pair of black basketball shorts hanging low on his hips with not a trace of a boxer in sight, his attention focused on  cooking his delectable homemade chocolate chip pancakes. My mouth immediately started to water at the thought, letting me know that I was clearly more hungry than I had imagined, as I started to make my way over to him.

I waited until his back was to me while he was standing at the sink washing out the bowls that he had used for the batter as I wrapped my arms around his naked torso, my hands resting softly on his pecks, my lips pressing gentle kisses over the warm skin of his back as a low chuckle left his beautiful lips.

"Morning Si" he said quietly, his head trying to peek at me over his shoulder as I smiled against his skin.

"Morning baby" I said, my lips just barely away from his skin as they grazed over his back before I pressed them firmly against it once again. "Thank you for the flowers baby" I said to him, my hands leaving his pecs as he turned around to face me, his lower back pressed up against the counter as he wrapped his hands around my waist and pulled me in close to him.

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