Chapter 60

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Sierra's POV

I covered my face with my hands, forgetting how much this movie freaked me out as I started to slowly open my index and middle fingers just enough so I could peer out between them. I was so curled into Austin it was if our bodies were sewn together and the only way that we would be able to separate from each other would be to let the stitches run their course and dissolve. I crunched my body up, my knees resting on the top of his thigh as I buried my head into his chest, my hands still heavily covering my eyes, my actions startling a sleeping Austin awake.

"You kay babe?" he asked through sleep heavy words, his eyes barely open as he looked at me, his right arm slowly coming up to look like he was going to lay it on my arm before he let it fall again behind my back.

"Please wake up" I said with a chuckle as I started to shake him awake, his eyes open just briefly as he looked at me with a sleepy smile, his lips barely grazing over my forehead as he collapsed his head back down on the pillow.

"I told ja ta choose da movie wisely" he said, sleep heavily controlling his words as he closed his eyes again, this time his arm coming up to wrap around me as he held me close to him.

"You promised" I laughed as I looked up at him, letting out a sigh as I realized that there was going to be no waking him up from his slumber and I was going to have to accept the fact that I was going to have to watch the last half hour of this movie by myself, nudging him awake every few minutes just so he could wrap his arms around me tighter so I would feel safe.

"Suri Si, jus sleepy" he said with a smile. "But I'm here" he said, his voice drifting off as he started to slip into the safe world of his dreams where he wasnt dreaming of Vampire Children as I knew I would be for the rest of the night.

"You just wait Austin, pay back is an evil thing" I said, letting out a small scream as I covered my face with my hands again hearing a small hum of laughter vibrate through his body as he wrapped his other arm around me, his lips pressing against my forehead.

"Its not that scary Si" he said, his words sounding more awake as I knew they would be since I kept waking him up every thirty seconds with some comment or some action that had to do with the movie.

"The hell it isn't. It's just more freaky than scary" I said, curling up into him again. I always acted like such a baby when I watched any kind of horror movie but I loved them so much. They were like my movie drug, whenever I started watching them I was never able to get enough.

"Why don't you turn it off and watch one of those Lifetime Movies you love so much so I can get some sleep" he said, my eyes staring down at him as I saw him open his one eye, a small smirk pulling at the corners of his lips as he looked up at me.

"Austin Richard Post! You're supposed to be protecting me!" I said with a laugh as I tried to wiggle out of his arms, giving up moments later when I knew I wasn't going to break free from his strong inked arms.

"I am protecting you! See! I'm holding you and I won't let the big bad vampire kids get my girl" he said teasingly as he started to put soft kisses onto my neck, his body rolling over to his side as he buried his head in my chest.

"Austinnnnnnn" I said with a toddler like pout a playful sigh coming out of his mouth as he reached over me and grabbed for the remote, pointing it at the TV as he quickly turned it off throwing the remote down on his lap. I was quiet for a moment, my eyes darting around the dark room as my mind started to fabricate different shapes darting around the corners, my voice finally breaking the silence.

"Austin, I see things moving" I said quietly as he rolled himself over on his back with a chuckle, his hands coming up to rub at his eyes as he looked at me in the darkness, the light from the moon shining in through the curtain for the door giving me just enough light to see his beautiful blue irises sparkling happily.

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