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i'm infatuated w his lips


Wandering around the streets of New York city, the high of their brand-new marriage having not yet worn off, Calum and Ashton were ecstatic. Duke and Alistair at their sides (and fronts, and behinds; they were energetic dogs) and their hands tightly joined, the two of them had never felt so...whatever they were feeling.

Neither could quite place it. They felt amazing, but just a tad worried for the arrival of their baby, and their abundance of emotion swirled together and made a mess of confusion and fright among the elation. And both felt it exactly that same way. It truly was strange.

But, nonetheless, they were having a wonderful time. Having already visited many popular attractions and a few lesser-known ones, the two were growing tired. And also snack-ish.

Calum pointed out a food truck, and they stopped to grab a late lunch. Ashton got a slider (he found the entire concept of a miniature burger ridiculous regardless of however much he enjoyed them) and Calum got a slice of cheese pizza.

Continuing to walk as they ate, a topic of conversation entered Calum's mind.

"Okay, bunny, top five favourite moments during our relationship and why. Go."

Ashton licked his lips and paused a second to think about it. "Alright. Um, number five: our first date."

"Hm. Why?"

"Because we were both kinda awkward but you were so cute--you legally cannot disagree, so don't try--and because you let me feed you tiramisu. But it's number five because there are better moments."

"Ah. A fair ruling."

"What's your number five?"

"Uh, I guess I agree." He shrugged. "Everything you said was true. You feeding me--that was the absolute sweetest yet sexiest thing you did that entire trip."

"Really?" Ashton asked. He didn't know that Calum thought that. Sure, it was sweet, but sexy? He doubted that. (Mostly because he couldn't think of himself in the same way that Calum could).

"Yes. It was like you were taking care of me but also making sure everyone around knew I was yours...y'know, with the little whispers and kisses. Mm, yum."

"Yeah. It was pretty great." Ashton had to agree. Kissing his angel in public--making sure that passersby knew that they belonged to each other--that was something out of a dream.

"Alright. Number four?"

"Number four would have to be our first time."

"Okay. Pourquoi?"

"Well, because...you know, it was the first time I'd seen you naked while also being able to touch you. I just wanted to know all of you. You're so goddamn beautiful."

"Oh, how sweet. I have to agree, our first time was pretty great. Very slow, gentle--you were so eager, I could tell, but you didn't let it get the best of you."

"You were eager too. Fuckin' dry humping me on my sofa."

"You loved it, I could feel it."

Ashton scoffed, but playfully, because he knew Calum was right.


The two of them lay, nude and breathing heavily, impatiently, in Ashton's king sized bed. The older man hovered over his smiling lover, who was wrapped around him like a koala. Neither saying a word--nor being able to--and simply staring into each other's eyes.

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