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meeting cal's parents . matching boyfriends . some uwu stuff some sad stuff .


"I am super nervous." Ashton whispered under his breath, standing in front of the mirror in their bathroom, adjusting his outfit. Calum was standing beside him, applying eyeliner. He didn't look away from his own face. "Why?"

"Because your family hates me."

"No, my sister dislikes you, my mum thinks you're cute but kinda dumb and my dad just agrees with whatever my mum says 'cause she runs that house and he knows it. But my sister won't even be there."

"They think I'm stupid?"

"No, just...not the brightest. But I know that's not true, so you just have to show them that." 


"Just be yourself, my love. It'll all be okay." 

"Okay." He exhaled shakily. He believed Calum. For the most part. "What about the fact that I, um, kinda don't wanna eat?" 

"Just order something small, and if you can't finish it, we'll bring it home for Duke."

"He's gonna get chunky."

"How dare you?" Calum gasped and placed a hand dramatically over his chest. "My baby is perfect."

"I never said he wasn't. Just meant if he eats all the food I can't, he'll soon be immobile." 

"Fair enough." Calum hummed. He finished with his makeup and passed the eyeliner to Ashton. "Here. If you want it."

He took it from his hand, eyed it uneasily then passed it back. "Can you do it for me?"

Calum smiled and nodded. He spun Ashton so his back was to the counter and cupped his face in his hands. "Hold still or I'll blind you." 

"Empty threat." Ashton taunted. He then saw a daring look in his angel's eyes and quickly added, "I was jokin' baby, please do not blind me with the eyeliner."

"You know everytime you tell me I can't do something it makes me want to do it, right?"

"Yes, I know." 

"Like telling me you didn't believe I could get all the way down to the street with my eyes closed." 

"You're right. You did that. It was super funny to watch, and you were covered in bruises the next day, but you did it." 

"Yes I did. So-" He stuck his tongue out at him. "There. Fight me, bitch. I'm superior." 

"You sure showed me." Ashton laughed. "But it's funny, you say things like 'fight me' a lot for someone who cries every time I raise my voice."

"Whatever. I'll end your bloodline."

"Jokes on you, my bloodline is already gonna end with me." 

"Oh yeah. Mine too. Which sucks."


"'Cause your DNA and my DNA mixed together would make the cutest babies." 

"You think so?"

"Yeah, definitely. We're both attractive people."

"Well, one of us." 

Calum frowned. "No. Both of us are very good-looking people and I will not kiss you ever again until you say otherwise."

"That's another empty threat." Ashton scoffed. "You couldn't stop kissing me if the fate of the world depended on it."

"Bet. I hope you enjoy never being kissed again."

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