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⇥ relationship level up bitches !! two months later !!


There was a question Calum had been dying to ask Ashton for quite some time. He'd never known when the right moment to ask was, because he was terrified to do so, but he knew it'd be okay. The moment he decided to ask was a moment not much different than any other.

The two of them had been sitting on the sofa in Calum's living room. A notebook sat between them. In it, there were poems, songs, and random details either about the world or Ashton. Poems describing his eyes, his smile, his voice. Sketches to go along with them. The notebook was Calum's, and he'd had it for years. He used to always carry it around, but not so much anymore.

He promised himself that he'd start to bring it everywhere with him again, because there were things he wanted to write about and things he didn't want forget that without the notebook he would.

In Ashton's lap sat a guitar. In Calum's, Duke. And the two of them were looking through said notebook, because it held Calum's deepest, most intimate thoughts and feelings (in whatever form he had thought to write it down) and he wanted to share them with Ashton.

Calum sang some of the songs to him that he was ready to. Those included Kill My Time, Easier, and Ghost Of You. Ashton claimed that Ghost Of You was much too sad (and he hated that he was the inspiration behind something so painful yet beautiful) and Easier was sexy but it hurt because, again, he was the reason it was written.

Kill My Time was his favourite. He loved every bit of it, from the lyrics to the instrumental Calum had written for it. He especially loved the cute faces Calum made when he sang it. He smiled, but it was almost empty, and by the end of the song, both of their eyes held tears.

So Ashton held him close, kissed his head and whispered, "You'll never have to again."

Calum believed him. And that, he decided, was the right moment.

"Ashy, J'ai une question."

"Okay. What's up?"

"Um-" He giggled nervously, "Okay, um, it's not really a question, actually."

"Just tell me."

"I wanna move in with you."

"Oh." Ashton hadn't been expecting something so important. "Are you serious?"

"Yeah. I think we're ready. I mean, I love you, and I know you love me. There isn't anyone else out there for me. So, do you wanna move in together?"

"I--of course I do, angel." Ashton pulled Calum into a short, passionate kiss. "But, wait--whose place are we gonna live at?"

"I hadn't thought much about it but I was thinking...mine?"

"Why yours?"

"Well, because of Dylan. You lived eight months with a guy and had a whole relationship there. My place is like a blank slate."

"No it isn't." Ashton argued in return. Calum looked at him confusedly, so Ashton pursed his lips and mumbled, "Harry."

"We didn't have a relationship, that meant nothing to me."

"But he was here, with you...naked-" He shuddered. "Gross."

"Okay, but I like my apartment. It's cozy." 

"And I like mine! I've lived there, like, seven years."

"So? Ash, my love, I know you have a lot of memories there, but not all of them are good. Not for me or you."

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