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smuuuuuuuuuut ! bottom ash 👀👀👀


After the lovely (but extremely long) day the two of them had had, they decided that they'd spend the rest of the night cuddling in front of the fireplace. They changed when they got back to the cottage; Ashton into a pair of sweats (and nothing else) and Calum into a pair of thigh highs fishnets, panties and a hoodie.

A hoodie that was his fiancé's, of course.

God, he loved saying that. Ashton was his fiancé. It made him want to cry. And he had. It also made him want to jump on top of Ashton every time he saw him. But he favoured intelligent conversation over sex. Only when it came to Ashton.

With anyone else, he didn't care to talk. Of course, now that he and Ashton were engaged, there never would be anyone else. He'd have Ashton every day for the rest of his life. And he was very okay with that.

The two were currently cuddling on top on a big wooly blanket in the centre of the living room. Ashton was closer to the fire, Calum was behind him. Ashton didn't like to widely advertise this information, but he sometimes (a lot of the time) liked to be the little spoon.

They were directly in front of the fireplace and Alistair was asleep in their bedroom. Calum wasn't tired, not at all, and he didn't know what to do with all his energy. Fortunately, Ashton spoke up with a suggestion instead.



"I want to, um, let you do something."

Calum sat up on his elbows and pulled Ashton with him. "You have my attention."

"I-I, uh, want you to...y'know..."

"Say it, love." Calum urged, petting his older lover's hair.

Ashton knew death was inevitable. It was impossible to tell when it might happen, and he knew there'd never be anything he could do to stop it. He could be hit by a car tomorrow and die there on the road. He could wake up a week from today and find out he had cancer.

He was not about to die without giving all of himself to the love of his life. So, with a shaky voice, but one-hundred percent certainty, he whispered, "Fuck me?"

"Mm." Calum hummed softly and cupped Ashton's face in his hands. "You're sure?"

"Y-yes. I want it."

"Okay." Calum kissed him once gently. "I want you to tell me exactly what you want."

"Um..." Ashton had to think on that for a moment. "I-I want you to be gentle, please."

"Of course."

"And...pet names. I really like those, you know that."

"Mh-hm." Calum hummed, tracing his lover's features with his thumbs. "What else?"

"Just talk to me. I need to hear your voice, it makes me feel safe."

The younger man pressed his lips to the shell of Ashton's ear. "As you wish, my love."

A shiver ran down his spine.

"Can I take you to the bedroom?"

Ashton shook his head and pulled Calum towards him.

"Oh, right here? Okay."

Ashton fell flat on his back and Calum fell on top of him. He was supported by his elbows on either side of Ashton's head. He brushed through the hair of his that he could reach and giggled softly. "Are you okay?"

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