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sad cal + stressed muke + queen haisley


The sound of glass shattering followed by a gasp echoed loudly and suddenly through the apartment. Haisley, Calum and the dogs jumped from their spots in the living room and Luke was instantly by Michael's side in the kitchen. Calum tried to keep the dogs with him, knowing that it would only be more difficult to clean up if three tiny, furry and nosy beings were in the way.

"Are you okay? What happened?"

Michael instantly knelt down to clean up the glass and clutched his head in his hands, "I-I don't know, I'm sorry."

"It's okay love, it's fine." Luke soothed quietly. "Are you hurt?"

Michael looked down at his hands. Blood trickled through his fingertips. He couldn't even see where it was coming from. Luke cursed softly so that Haisley wouldn't hear and stood his lover up. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry-"

"Don't apologize, you're okay. Will you go wait for me in the bathroom while I clean this up?"

Michael nodded wordlessly and headed into the bathroom. The younger blonde cleaned up the glass as quickly as possible, careful not to hurt himself as well, then joined his lover. He found Michael staring with a blank expression into the mirror. He sat his fiance on the counter and rubbed his thigh soothingly while grabbing bandages. "Mikey, talk to me."

"I'm nervous." He whimpered.

"Talk me through exactly how you feel. Can you do that?"

Michael nodded slowly. "I just...I'm not having second thoughts, I wanna marry you, but I'm worried that something's gonna go wrong or I'll make a terrible husband."

"I'm going to be honest with you. It's our wedding, something will probably go wrong. Haisley might rip her dress or my mum will say something insane-"

Michael whined, leaned forward and pressed his forehead to Luke's shoulder. "Not helping, Lu."

Luke chucked while he cleaned the cuts carefully, "I just mean, you don't have to worry. It's gonna be perfect. And you'll make an amazing husband, Mike, I know you will. You're an excellent father, and a perfect fiance. I am so lucky to have you."

Michael locked their gazes together. "You really think so?"

"I know so." Luke mumbled, wrapping the wound with a white bandage. Michael kissed him, and Luke's stomach erupted in butterflies. "I love you."

"I love you too."

In the living room, Calum sat with Haisley on the sofa, preparing the welcome bags for the wedding. Those consisted of candles, bug spray (since the reception would be outside) soaps, bubbles for the kids, and many other small, cute and personal-to-the-couple items.

"Eve'ything otay?" Haisley asked, not taking her eyes from the bubbles in her hand.

"Your father's just nervous, princess." Calum assured her. He squeezed her hand. "Everything's fine."

Haisley nodded, obviously worried about her father but also distracted very easily. She picked up a cookie and yelled "watch this!" at her uncle before shoving the entire thing in her mouth. Calum let out a light giggle and clapped, "Very impressive love, but you have to stop-"

He was interrupted by Haisley shoving a cookie into his mouth mid-sentence.

"Tasty?" She asked, eagerly awaiting her uncle's opinion.

"Very." He told her. "But you can't eat all of them, because then no one else will get to taste them. You don't want everyone else missing out on your yummy cookies because they're all gone, do you?"

Haisley gasped. "No!"

"Then how 'bout this...your new job is to make sure we have enough bags to put everything in."

"Okay." She agreed without a second thought, bouncing happily out of the room and into the next. The job sort of made sense. They were having a small wedding, since neither had much extended family. Plus, a few members of their families weren't exactly supportive of them and their decisions. But that was okay. If they couldn't support their love because they weren't another 'normal' couple, then they weren't welcome.

Once Haisley was out of sight, Calum's shoulders slumped and he sighed. He had yet to tell anyone what had happened between him and Ashton. He didn't want to speak about it, because then everyone in his life would've been right. It was also too close to the wedding. The attention was supposed to be on the grooms. And he really didn't want the attention.

But it hurt. It was unbelievable how much it hurt. He had barely slept in days. He was so sickeningly lonely. He knew that he and Ashton weren't together, but Ashton claimed to love him more than anything and had still just left him like he meant nothing at all; like he never had. He had checked his phone every five minutes that first day the older man had left him. A week later and he'd still yet to receive a response.

But it was fine. Everything was fine.

He had to focus on other things. In fact, he was thankful for the distractions that the wedding brought (and he felt terrible for thinking of their wedding as just a distraction, because it meant so much more to him, but it was very time and energy consuming, and he was grateful). As Luke's best man, there were a lot of things he had to do.

Although, with the wedding being in two days, he was mainly tasked with watching Haisley so the grooms could deal with any issues that came up. And so far, quite a few had. Flowers, cake, and as of right now, Michael was stressed about the welcome bags not being ready. So Calum watched his niece while Luke tried to keep Michael from freaking out. Which wasn't exactly a cake walk.

Michael was essentially already freaked out to the max. He was paranoid and, according to Luke, hadn't slept more than three hours in two days. He'd done everything aside from make up a list of everything that could go wrong. Luke and Calum had talked, and they were sure one already existed in his head. They needed him to calm down. But his argument was that he was getting married in two days, so his panicking was totally just.

Luke agreed, though he needed him to relax. Everything would be fine. But until Michael believed that it would be, Calum watched Haisley. And he repressed his feelings. Smiling at her and praising her and laughing with her. His smiles were only a little forced. And maybe he had a few extra smokes that day, and a few too many drinks later that night. Maybe he shouldn't have texted Ashton at all. But he did, and he regretted it in the morning, when he saw that Ashton had once again seen every single message and refused to respond.

And while Calum lay in bed the next morning, wishing he hadn't woken up, he wondered to himself, is it possible to love and hate someone at the same time?


eat ass, suck a dick and sell drugs.

crying because luke's mum looks like she gives such good hugs and i really need a 45 minute hug ya feel

this is my least favorite chapter & i had such high hopes for it in the beginning. ew. love u.


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