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and don't u fucking forget it ^

smut (which you knew) i'm so sorry pls don't hate me 😬 it's awkward i'm awkward i understand if you loathe it-


Their lips met in another deep, sensual kiss. They were cautious, not wanting to seem desperate, but in truth, that's exactly what they were. Calum had never felt more loved than when he was with Ashton, even if the man said he didn't love him anymore. He didn't care; as much as he hated to admit it, he still felt very strongly for Ashton, and he knew that those feelings had to be reciprocated at least a little.

As their kiss deepened, both of them felt their bodies lock together like two pieces of a puzzle. Ashton's calloused fingertips were a familiar feeling in Calum's hair and on his scalp. Calum's nails digging into Ashton's hips was somewhat new, but a good feeling for sure. They both knew that if one of them didn't stop this soon, neither of them would.

Calum began sucking gently on Ashton's bottom lip; a small action that he knew drove the man insane. It made him eager, barely able to think, and in a lot of cases, an animal. But this time was different. Ashton hoisted Calum up by his thighs and wrapped his legs around his waist, carrying him to the sofa in the living room without breaking their kiss for even a second.

Ashton made himself comfortable between Calum's legs and pressed tender, open mouthed kisses to his neck. Calum tried not to focus on how wrong this was but instead how good it felt. He laced his fingers through the soft, curly hair atop the man's head and pinched his eyes shut tight. This wasn't okay; it was cheating, disloyalty, infidelity. But fuck did it feel good.

Ashton wanted to be gentle. He wanted to do this right. He knew he'd hurt Calum over the last couple weeks; over the last year. He wanted to make it up to him. He hated himself for not being able to leave him alone, and he couldn't even explain why. He just knew that he didn't want Calum out of his life. For a year, a beautiful, perfect year, Calum had been his life.

Ashton's lips found Calum's sweet spot, causing a shudder to run through his entire body. A smile made it's way onto the man's face. He nudged his nose against Calum's collarbone and kissed slowly back up to his plump lips. Calum let Ashton lead him. It felt amazing to have the man with him like this again, even if it wasn't supposed to happen.

Suddenly, Ashton pulled away, having kissed Calum until he was breathless, "I've missed you so much, you have no idea..."

Calum felt like a fool for admitting it, but even still, "I missed you too."

Ashton gazed longingly into the maori man's cocoa-coloured eyes and brushed a calloused thumb across his bottom lip. "So, so beautiful."

A blush grew on Calum's cheeks. He had been complimented before, and by many, but only Ashton could make him feel like this. His lips curved upwards in a smile, and because he was so overwhelmed in that moment, all he could think to do was join their lips once more. Ashton hummed in response and ran his large hand down Calum's side, squeezing his hip gently then gliding back up to cup his face.

Calum's tongue ran across Ashton's bottom lip. The action had been done about a million times before, and just as each of those times, it got the same reaction. Ashton willingly parted his lips within a second and as they became further entangled, both of their minds blanked and Calum swore he saw a cloud settle over his judgement.

Calum knew he had someone else. He knew that someone else was good for him, and made him feel like himself again. But that someone else wasn't Ashton, and he never would be. It wasn't his fault. Ashton was also painfully aware that he had someone else. He knew that he had him for a very long time. But he'd had Calum longer, and no matter how hard he tried, some part of him would always belong to the maori man.

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