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his outfit for...later? and next chap. you'll know. ash and dylan in dis one too.


Calum woke up this morning feeling both existential dread and excitement. It was his birthday. He was another year older, but still without most of the things he wanted from life. Plus, he had work until 2pm, and then he had to go over to Michael and Luke's for a surprise party that Haisley had accidentally told him about the first chance she got.

He was still going to act surprised, of course. He had to. The poor girl would be so upset and worried that she'd ruined the party. Plus, Calum knew that Michael and Luke had been planning it for a little while, and it was greatly appreciated (even though Calum didn't really want a party because he barely had anyone to invite).

He was sure that his family would be informed (he didn't know if they would actually go). Obviously Michael, Luke and Haisley, since they were the one's hosting. But other than that, there was no one else. Maybe they had invited Dom. Which terrified him. Because although he really liked the cotton-candy haired man, they had only gone on one date and Calum didn't really want him meeting his parents yet, lest they blow the whole situation out of proportion. Calum didn't think that their relationship was that serious yet.

Calum rolled out of bed with a loud sigh and reached for his phone to check his notifications (usually there wasn't many, but it was still just second nature to check). There was a text from Luke, wishing him a happy birthday from the three of them. There was a text from his sister as well. He knew his mother and father would either call later or he would just see them after work.

The last text he saw was one from Ashton. He didn't know exactly what he felt in that moment. All he could remember was the kiss they'd shared, and suddenly he felt tingly, guilty, and a little worried. Still groggy from waking up just minutes ago, he opened the message.


ashtonirwin: hey cal
ashtonirwin: i know we're not exactly on great terms right now but i wanted to wish you a happy birthday. i hope you're surrounded by people who love you. you deserve it.

calumhood: thanks, that's really nice of you
calumhood: any chance you remember what you did last time we saw each other? the club a few nights ago?

ashtonirwin: no...why?
ashtonirwin: did i hurt you?

calumhood: no, you confused me quite a bit though

ashtonirwin: well what did i do?

calumhood: i don't know if it's a good idea to tell you
calumhood: it could affect your relationship

ashtonirwin: well now i need to know what i did

calumhood: okay, fine
calumhood: you saw me at the bar and came over, complimented me, told me you missed me, tried to touch me, then when i left, you followed me to the bathroom and kissed me, saying that it was a "goodbye kiss" because "we never got one of those"

ashtonirwin: what the fuck what the fuck
ashtonirwin: what the FUCK was i thinking oh my god

calumhood: dude idk
calumhood: but now you know, so...

ashtonirwin: okay uh
ashtonirwin: should i tell him??

calumhood: he deserves to know
calumhood: i'm sure he'd understand
calumhood: just don't lie to him because it won't make it better

ashtonirwin: fuck alright
ashtonirwin: i'll tell him
ashtonirwin: i'm so sorry cal

calumhood: it's okay
calumhood: good luck

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