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fluff because i am gonna break your heart soon (but like only a little) . their paintings . i made them good artists because i've made these characters who i want to be but can't . 


Ashton woke up the next morning feeling happier than ever before. He could feel Calum's arms around his waist, his lips on the back of his neck and the steady rise and fall of his chest. He immediately felt his face flush as memories of the night before flooded his mind.

He didn't remember moving to the bed. He knew he'd fallen asleep in front of the fire, held close by his gentle angel. He must've been carried there. It was a lovely thought. 

He tried to move, and Calum pulled him closer. "No. Stay."

He replied with a small "okay," and they continued to cuddle. He didn't know how long they laid there. Could've been an hour, could've been more. But neither were asleep. They were just holding each other.

Until Calum started kissing the love-bites on Ashton's neck, murmuring "mine," with each gentle peck and brushing through his hair. He eventually grew tired of receiving almost no reaction from Ashton, so he grabbed a tight fistful of his hair, pulled his head back and listened to him gasp.

"I wanna hear you." Calum whispered, his lips right against Ashton's ear.

"Yes, sir." Ashton squeaked in response. 

Calum hummed victoriously and continued kissing at his lover's neck. "How're you feeling, bunny?"

"Good. Really good."


"A little."


He grabbed Calum's hand and guided it to his hip. Immediately his calloused thumb traced circles that brought goosebumps in its wake.

"Ah. Bruises are a little sensitive?"


"I'm sorry."

"No, it's good. Means I'm yours."

Calum smiled and buried his face in Ashton's shoulder. "Mine."

"Yeah." He replied with a grin just as wide. "Are you sore at all? Your back, maybe?"

Calum turned a little so his lover could see his back. There were light scratch marks up and down his tan skin.

"Ooh, it's a good look on you."

"You think so?"

"Yeah. Marked my territory."

"You did." Calum leaned down and kissed him. Maybe the softest he ever had. "So what do you wanna do today?"

"Um...I don't know." He mumbled slowly. "Wait, yes I do!"


"I wanna paint."

"Okay." Calum giggled. "Well, we don't have supplies."

"I'll go get 'em."

"Alright. Is that all you wanna do?"

"I can come up with another idea if you want."

"Painting sounds like a lot of fun, bunny. I'm not really much of an artist, though."

"It doesn't have to be good as long as it means something to you."

"Okay." Calum kissed him again and brushed his wild curls from his eyes. "Beautiful."

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