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i'm so sorry for what is about to happen . ur gonna need the tissues for this one .

tiny tw for alcohol abuse and vague mentions of self harm


Ashton had his first counselor session this morning, and he was nervous as all hell. He couldn't even imagine what was going to happen, and he didn't want to. The more he thought about it, the more terrified he became. Calum of course knew this, so he got up and made his love a special breakfast while he showered.

Ashton appreciated it greatly. He loved that Calum could tell he was anxious and was doing his best to make him feel better. Ashton was almost completely silent the entire meal, but Calum tried to make conversation to distract him. It didn't exactly work, and he knew that, but he had to make an effort.

And again, Ashton truly appreciated it. So he forced a smile (which Calum could tell was fake) and tried to speak back, but he really couldn't.

After they finished eating, washing up and doing a few things around the house, they left for his appointment. And since it was such a nice day out, they decided to walk. They stopped for iced coffee first, of course, and then were on their way. They walked down a nearly empty street for about fifteen minutes, hand in hand, hardly speaking, watching the city come to life.

They were about five minutes from the office when Calum's eyes landed on someone he never, ever thought he'd have to meet. He recognized him from a picture Michael had shown him (he couldn't remember why but now he was thankful). "Je n'en crois pas mes yeux." He whispered breathlessly. He tightened his grip on Ashton's hand and turned him away.

"What? What's going on?" Ashton had already been super anxious but now he was freaking out.

"Um, nothing, just, uh, let's...I don't wanna worry you, but-" He cleared his throat and exhaled shakily. "Don't look over there."

"Cal, just tell me why-" He turned to look at what his angel had been worried and all the breath left his lungs. He whimpered softly and let his hand slip from Calum's. Hot tears stung his eyes. He couldn't move. Couldn't speak. He felt Calum grab back onto his hand and lace their fingers together, but he barely even noticed.

"My love, look at me. Please." Calum begged, using his free hand to grab Ashton's hip and spin him around. "Baby, look at me."

"Is he really here?" He asked in a quivering voice. He locked their eyes together and his bottom lip quivered. "H-how is he here?"

"I have no idea, sweetie, just focus on me. Okay? Focus on me. You're okay, I'm here."

Ashton nodded. He swallowed thickly and took a deep breath. "I'm okay. I'm fine."

"Are you sure? Because I can break his face right now."

"I'm fine." Ashton growled firmly before storming away. Calum's mouth fell open. He went to follow Ashton, but by the time he turned around, he was gone. And that sent him into a panic. He knew Ashton was nowhere near fine and how he had no idea where he'd run off to.

"Fuck." He whispered, brushing a hand through his hair. He began to walk in the direction he'd seen Ashton go. He had a few ideas of where he'd decided to hide, so he'd check those out before assuming the worst. He just hoped he could find him, because otherwise, he was fucked.


Calum checked bars all around town. He checked his apartment, and then Ashton's. He checked stores, cafes and even the nearest hotels. He couldn't find him anywhere. So he called Michael to help him look. By that time, he was spiraling. He was fucking terrified. Ashton had just run into the person who had completely broken him on the street, he was not okay, and now it was as if he'd disappeared off the face of the earth.

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