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i am very sorry. again. ashton's redemption is coming soon i swear. for now tho u have to have this and I KNOW that y'all hate me and the characters in this story for being such idiots and assholes but it's gonna be fine just not now ok


A knock on Calum's front door woke him from a peaceful sleep (peaceful sleep that he hadn't experienced in quite a few nights). Needless to say, he was a little upset. He rolled over and looked at his clock. It was 2am. That was shocking for two reasons. One: Calum never fell asleep that early and two: no one came to see him at this time because no one ever had a reason to.

But he figured that if someone was knocking on his door at 2am it had to be important. So reluctantly, he climbed out of bed (in only his boxers) and went to answer the door. He didn't know who it would be. Michael, Luke and his sister were the only people who ever really came over. He hadn't been expecting anyone at this hour, but he definitely hadn't been expecting Ashton to be on the other side.

"Jesus fuckin' Christ, it's way too early for this. What do you want?"

"You have to come with me."

"Why's that? And I thought I told you to stay away from me."

"I have to show you something."

Calum shook his head and crossed his arms over his chest. "Nope, you woke me up at two in the morning for this, you're gonna need a better hook than that."

Ashton sighed. "Okay. Yesterday, you told me that you were upset by the fact that I'd thrown everything away. So...let's go."

"Where are we going?"

"Will you just come with me? Please?"

Calum thought about it for a minute. There was no reason he truly had to go with Ashton. He could've easily just slammed the door in his face and gone back to bed. But he did kind of want to see where this would go, and why Ashton had to see him so bad.

"Wait here."

He shut the door (he considered locking it but knew Ashton's intents weren't of that nature) and walked back into his bedroom. He got dressed, and made sure to take his time because he knew damn well that Ashton would wait. He was at his house at 2am; he was clearly desperate for Calum to go with him. When he was fully clothed, he grabbed his phone, wallet and keys. Duke followed him around the apartment the entire time, perhaps thinking they were going for a walk.

Calum just knelt down and kissed the puppy goodbye, hoping that he understood, then grabbed his shoes and took his time putting them on and re-tying them. He walked back to the front door and pulled it open with a sigh. Ashton was still waiting there patiently. 

"I've decided I will go with you." He stated firmly, like he'd even spent much time contemplating otherwise. 

"That's great." Ashton donned a tight-lipped smile. "Are you ready?" 

"Yes. But you're stopping and getting me ice cream."


"I want ice cream, so we're stopping and getting ice cream. I know there are places open right now, let's go." 

"Okay, fine. Ice cream it is." Ashton mumbled, just glad that Calum was agreeing to see him. Calum stepped out into the hall, shut his door and locked it. They began to walk. Slowly. Awkwardly. Calum made sure to hang behind a little, not worried that Ashton would do something but worried that he'd reach for the man's hand like the foolish, blinded-by-love person he was. Ashton of course noticed this and said nothing. He also happened to scan over Calum's outfit and decided to add, "you look good," because he needed him to know that. 

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