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more fluff bc i desperately need it


"What do you want for dinner, princess?"

Haisley looked up from her colouring book to meet her uncle's gaze. "Pizza?"

"You're so Michael's daughter." Ashton chuckled without looking up from his own.

Calum looked at them and smiled. "Are you hungry now, love?"

"Yeah!" She excitedly replied. Calum and Ashton both envied that blind happiness. How she was so painfully unaware of all that was wrong in the world. They hoped she never lost that.

"Okay, let's go get some pizza."

Haisley jumped up and squealed, hugging her penguin stuffie tighter to her chest. She hugged Ashton and he felt his heart melt. He placed his big hand atop her little head and brushed through her hair. She smiled up at him. He smiled back. Calum adored the sight of the two of them, and quickly snapped a photo.

"I'm gonna go get pants on." Calum then mumbled, turning towards his bedroom. Ashton grabbed his wrist to spin him back around. He watched his skirt twirl and his smile grew. "Why? You look so beautiful."

"Yeah, I know, but I might make people uncomfortable."

"I think that's their problem, yeah?"

"It is, but...like, part of me thinks that people like that can shove their opinions where the sun doesn't shine, and then the other part of me doesn't want to make a scene or have any attention on me. I know I look good, but maybe this is just for you to see."

"Okay." Ashton pecked his lips. "I understand. You're gonna put it back on later, though, yeah?"

Calum pursed his lips and a playful glint shone in his eyes. "Maybe. If you're good."

"Oh, well I'll be on my best behavior then. Sir."

Calum tilted his head to the side and groaned. Ashton grinned mischievously and gently slapped Calum's ass as he left the room. While they waited for Calum to change, he helped Haisley put on her shoes. As he laced them up, she tugged gently on his big hand. "Question." She mumbled softly, for only him to hear.

"What is it?"

"Can I call you 'uncle Ashy'?"

He swore he felt his breathing stop for a moment. She wanted to call him 'uncle'? The mere idea was so heartwarming to him. He'd always wanted kids, and now, he had someone he might get to call his niece. "Um, yes. If you'd like." He replied with a bright smile. She hugged him and giggled.

She repeated the new name, holding one of his long fingers in her incredibly small ones. He felt a wave of tears coming, so he swallowed them back and sniffled softly. She of course noticed this. "Uncle Ashy okay?"

"Yeah, sweetie. I'm okay."

At that moment, Calum emerged from his bedroom in a pair of plain black tights. He hadn't heard the step forward Ashton and Haisley's relationship had taken so Ashton would be sure to brag later.

"Stunning, my love." Ashton whispered instead and kissed him once he was close enough.

"Thanks, baby."

"Baby?" Ashton repeated, his tone soft and face pouty.

Calum nodded. "Yes. You're my baby."

"Okay." His voice cracked a little. "I like that."

"He can't be a baby, he's too tall!" Haisley exclaimed, tugging on his hand.

"He's my baby and I love him."

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