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smiley baby boy !! don't worry important stuff will happen soon . for now enjoy this . please continue commenting lots it makes my day .


Calum wasn't feeling good today. He didn't know what had changed since yesterday. Yesterday he and Ashton had had so much fun. But today he just felt awful, like pure shit, truly, and nothing Ashton tried seemed to snap him out of it.

He tried cuddles, kisses, making him his favourite meal, singing to him, drawing him a bath with his favourite scented soap and bubbles, and plenty of other things--nothing worked. Calum couldn't leave the bed without being dragged from it. Ashton understood the feeling, or rather, lack of feeling, but he hated seeing Calum like that.

He felt awful. He knew it wasn't his fault but he couldn't fix it; couldn't make his angel's sadness--numbness, actually--go away and that made him feel terrible. He wanted him to smile, he needed to see him smile because seeing him lay there with a vacant, almost ghostly look in his eyes was scaring Ashton.

He'd only left the bed once in the last few hours: just now, to make his angel a tea. He didn't know if it would help but he wanted to try. He returned (not wanting to leave him alone for long), set it on the nightstand and walked to the other side of the bed, lay down on his side and pulled Calum gently into him.

"Hi, sweetie."

"Hi." He replied in a whisper.

"I love you." Ashton told him and kissed the tip of his nose. Calum nodded but didn't verbally respond. And that was okay. Ashton knew Calum loved him. "Can I get you anything?"

"No. Thank you."

"Okay." The older man sighed. Calum buried his face in the crook of Ashton's neck and pulled the blanket up so it covered his entire body. Ashton wrapped his arms around him and pulled him as close as humanly possible. There was something so comforting about laying in bed, in the middle of the day, fully dressed.

He felt warmer. Safer. Like nothing else existed. And he liked that.


"Yes, baby?"

"Can you tell me our story?"

"Oh, um, sure, love." He cleared his throat quietly and kissed the top of his head. "So, once upon a time, I guess, there was this angel who deserved the world, and a devil, who ruined worlds. The angel had been convinced he was unlovable by someone who did not deserve his love, and swore off of it because he thought it was the best thing for him. The devil had made the same promise, but for a different reason."

Calum yawned and mewled. Ashton smiled and pet his hair. "The devil, one day, decided that he was going to reach out to someone, anyone, not for help but...well, mainly just for fun. He was lonely--much more so than he liked to admit. He ended up talking to the angel. And the devil felt instantly drawn to him; like the angel was his reason for staying alive after just seconds of knowing him. He made him feel less lonely, even though they were worlds apart."

Calum nodded, because he'd felt the same way.

"They talked for a long time, and the devil admired the angel more and more each day. I think the angel felt that way for the devil, too. One day, although it took a bit of convincing, the angel agreed to meet the devil. So he flew down, with his magnificent, awe-striking wings, to see the devil. The first time the devil held the angel, he felt something happen. It was like the angel melted every evil part of the devil with his love--or what would grow to be love."

The younger man pressed a soft kiss to Ashton's jaw, just below his chin.

"The devil didn't want to live without the angel. He felt incomplete when he wasn't around. It was strange how easily someone so dark and ruined could be uplifted by such a pure, beautiful thing. The devil had never before been so easily manipulated. At least, not in years. But with the angel, he was okay being influenced, because for once, he knew he wouldn't be harmed."

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