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aaaaand back to cashton sorry. their fits for later btw ^

comment or imma do something y'all ain't gon like. jk it's happening either way. not yet though you can relax :)


ashtonirwin: so, i figured that since we still haven't talked about what happened and what it means, that maybe we could do dinner tonight?

calumhood: that'll work. mine?

ashtonirwin: sure. can i help you cook?

calumhood: you really want to?

ashtonirwin: i do

calumhood: okay, how does pasta sound?

ashtonirwin: great, love. what time?

calumhood: around 5:15? i finish work at 4:30 and i'd like a chance to clean up a bit n' shower

ashtonirwin: perfect, i'll see you tonight ❤

calumhood: tonight ❤


Calum set his phone down and smiled softly to himself. Everything would be fine. They'd cook dinner, discuss their relationship (and if there was even to be one) and maybe Calum could have another one of those addicting kisses. Just one and he'd be dizzy. Just one and he'd be totally screwed.

"What's got you so love-struck?" His coworker Frank asked, ever so comically intrusive.

"Nothing..." He answered quietly, fiddling with his fingers.

"Nuh uh. I've known you eight months, Cal. Something's up."

"Okay, fine." Calum huffed playfully. "I'm having someone over for dinner. Happy?"

"Absolutely not, I need names."

Calum pursed his lips and held back a laugh. "Why?"

"Because there is nothing going on in my life and so I must live vicariously through you." He deadpanned, as if it was obvious. "Wait, is it that cute guy from before with the accent?"

"Um, no. We went on a couple dates, but I fucked everything up. I'd rather not say how."

"Okay, so who's coming over then?"

"My ex." Calum wished he had thought of a better way to say that. It was too late now, though.

Frank gasped and went a little wide-eyed. "Dude, what made you think it was a good idea to get back together with him?"

"We haven't decided if we're getting back together or not. That's what he's coming over to discuss. I'm not stupid and I'm not easy. If we do end up back together, I have terms."

"Like what?" Frank prodded eagerly. "Tell me."

So Calum and Frank spent their entire lunch break talking about the terms and conditions it would be suggested that Ashton should follow. Of course, there weren't many. Just a few, enough for him to know that Calum was serious about this.


The decided upon time of arrival came much quicker than Calum had presumed. He rushed home from work, showered and changed into somewhat nicer clothes all the while panicking and trying to remember all of the things he wanted to say. He stared into the mirror for a long while, and he didn't hate what he saw. He just hoped Ashton liked it. That was what mattered.

Except it didn't. It didn't fucking matter what Ashton thought of his outfit. He was supposed to dress to make himself feel good, not to impress others. In the year they'd spent apart, Calum had finally begun to learn that his choices were supposed to make him happy and not anyone else (of course it was always a bonus if other people agreed with his decisions). But for the most part, his life was just supposed to be about what he wanted.

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