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a smile i would die for . pure fluff because my life is shit . 


For their second date, Calum was in charge of planning. He decided where they went, what they did and what they ate. And what he'd planned wasn't exactly a conventional date. Ashton was ordered to show up to his house wearing pajamas/comfy clothes, so he did, although he found it odd. When he arrived at Calum's place, wearing a Pink Floyd t-shirt and sweatpants, he was kissed passionately, then tackled to the couch.

Instead of eating at a restaurant, they ordered takeout. Sushi, to be more specific. But Ashton couldn't complain, because it was a lot more comfortable, relaxing and familiar than getting dressed up, going to a restaurant and spending a lot of money to feel awkward and strangely objectified by people he didn't even know.

Plus, he wouldn't have complained anyway. Sitting in comfy clothes, eating delicious food and cuddling Calum was his favourite way to spend an evening. Well, second favourite. No, it was a tie. And he didn't want to think about it right then because if a "situation" occurred, there was nothing he could do. While they ate, they talked about their days at work and other errands they'd run in their spare time.

Once finished eating, they went to wash up and brush their teeth (Ashton had his own toothbrush there already from previous nights spent over, although not recently). Ashton noticed that while they were in the bathroom, Calum avoided looking in the mirror. And all it took for him to open up was Ashton placing a hand on his arm and whispering, "Angel?"


"You haven't looked into the mirror once since we've been in here. Is everything okay?"

"Why wouldn't it be?"

"I don't know. I just worry."

"You have no reason to." He assured softly, placing his hand gently on Ashton's arm. "Wanna know why I'm not looking in the mirror?"


"I was feeling a little breakdown-y yesterday and if I look into the mirror I'll want to dye my hair or shave my head again."

"You could've talked to me, you know."

"It wasn't anything serious, Ash. I promise."

"Are you sure?"

"Positive." He told him. "I was writing my grocery list and misplaced the pen cap. Lost my fucking shit."

"Well, I've been there." Ashton commented playfully. "But seriously, talk to me when you don't feel good, okay? I love you and I need you around."

"Couldn't get rid of me if you tried." Calum then kissed him lovingly. "Now let's go watch some TV."

"Okay." Ashton believed him. He knew it was possible for Calum to freak out over simple things like that. He'd seen it. He didn't want him to be alone like that. But Calum said he was fine. He didn't want to interfere and make his angel even more upset.

So they went to watch some TV. They found this show on Netflix called 'The Umbrella Academy' and agreed that it sounded interesting. Calum put it on and cuddled into Ashton's side. His head rested on his older lover's shoulder and their legs were intertwined. He left one hand on his chest, rubbing gentle, reassuring circles. 

Ashton's head lay atop Calum's. He realized it may have sounded weird,  but he loved how his hair smelled; like cinnamon and happiness and love. Yes, that's right, happiness and love. He adored how soft it was, too, and could've spent hours playing with it. He had, if he was being honest. 

They stayed in that position for a long time. Calum was instantly very invested in the show, but Ashton hardly payed attention at all. He had, in his arms, the most beautiful, talented, funny and intelligent man to ever walk the earth. His angel. And he didn't plan on letting go anytime soon. 

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