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sad + kinda messy. anyway that's michael's reaction to kittens being brought in. it's impossible not to love him.


Ashton was acting different lately. It hurt Calum a lot.

He wouldn't just sit and hold him anymore, or sing him to sleep. He would 'forget' to kiss him goodnight and 'forget' to wake him up with cuddles in the morning. He missed it.

He didn't know what to do. They were drifting apart again and it felt awful. Ashton was even refusing sex. It made Calum feel terrible about himself for many reasons, but the main one was that Ashton never said no to a chance to touch his angel.

At the moment, Ashton was sitting on the couch in the living room, typing away on his laptop. Duke and Alistair were at his sides. Calum was in their bedroom, occasionally peeking out to look at him. He wanted Ashton to show him love again, because being ignored like this was killing him.

He decided to change out of his sweatpants into something that made him feel prettier. He put on one of Ashton's hoodies, a pair of pink panties that he thought hugged his bum perfectly, and white thigh-highs that clipped to a white garter belt. He knew Ashton loved this outfit.

Maybe Ashton would notice him now.

He opened their bedroom door, stared at Ashton, who hadn't moved from the sofa, then slowly climbed down the few stairs to the main floor. He stepped in front of his fiance and still, sadly, he didn't look up.


Without tearing his eyes from his computer, Ashton replied, "I'm busy."

Calum tried not to let that dishearten him. "Do you like my outfit?"

For a moment, Ashton looked up. "Yeah, sure. Is it new?"

"It's your favourite one." He mumbled quietly. "Remember? You got it for me for our first time."

"Didn't think it'd still fit you. You aren't nearly as skinny as you used to be."

Calum gasped softly. Tears welled in his eyes. He let out a tiny cry and pulled the hoodie down as far as he could to cover himself. He retreated to their bedroom and locked the door. There, he buried himself in the comfy duvet.

He tore off Ashton's sweater and threw it across the room. How could Ashton say that to him? It was never okay to tell anyone that they'd gained weight, especially when they were just starting to feel a little confident.

Ashton fucking knew that. He himself struggled with the way he looked. It really hurt Calum to hear that Ashton thought he'd gained weight. He didn't find him beautiful anymore. He didn't care about him the same way anymore.

What had he done wrong? He had tried his hardest from day one to do everything right. Everything that Ashton wanted. Whenever he wanted it.

There was a knock at the door, and he heard the doorknob jiggle. "Cal?"

He sniffled. "What?"

"Did you lock yourself in there? That's really fucking immature."

"Go away."

"Fine. Enjoy your temper tantrum. I'm going out."

Calum climbed out of bed and threw the door open. "You're an asshole!"

"Me? What did I do?"

"Nothing! And everything!"

"Care to elaborate?"

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