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handsss . please excuse any mistakes and i'm sorry it took an extra day .


"Ashy, I need your help!"

"With what?"

"Just get your fantastic ass over here, Irwin!"

The older man walked into Calum's bedroom, a bright smile dimpling his face. "What is it?"

"Oh, um..." Calum smiled nervously up at him. "You're about ninety-nine percent of my impulse control so you have to stay and help me sort through my clothes otherwise I'll throw away everything that isn't a skirt and I'll be totally fucked during winter."

"Yeah, you will." He mumbled with a smirk.

He threw a shirt at him. "Shut up and c'mere." 

Ashton giggled and sat down beside his angel. "Okay. What do I do?"

"I'm gonna show you some clothes and you tell me if it's worth keeping or not."

"How do I know if it's worth keeping?" 

"It means is it cute enough to ruin his life? God, you know nothing about fashion."

"Whose life? You're only supposed to ruin mine!"

"Nope. You clearly don't like me."

"Okay, then is it cool if I go date somebody else?"

"Is it cool if I break their face?"

Ashton fell back onto the floor, laughing quietly. "I love you so much."

"I love you too. Now sit up, we don't have all day."

He stared up at the ceiling longingly. "Yes we do."

"We aren't spending the whole day cleaning out my closet. We have the whole rest of my house to sort."

"You can't possibly have that much stuff."

"I don't but I'm indecisive and gay."

"What does being gay have to do with anything?"

"Dunno. Just like to throw it in whenever possible. For my fans."

"What fans?"

"First of all, that's rude. Mr. Fuzzypants, the president of our fan club, is sitting right there." He pointed towards his bed, at the stuffie sitting there. It was the tiger plush Ashton had won him on their carnival date. "Second, I'm lovable as fuck."

"Never said you weren't, baby. Only asked what fans you were talking about."

"Well, all the fans of our blog."

"Ah." Ashton hummed. "Forgot about that." He and Calum started sorting through his clothes. "Y'know, if we started doing that again..."

"We'd have to cover up our tattoos." He interrupted. "I know. My worst fear is someone we know finding it. Like Mike and Luke. I'd die."

"Don't want our friends lookin' at what's mine." Ashton grumbled. "Strangers seeing it is fine. Not people we know."

"Why not?"

"Because no stranger is gonna take you away from me. People we know could."

"No one is taking me away from you. Ever. I promise."

"Okay. Good. Now if you don't finish packing, no McDonald's."

"We're going to McDonald's if I don't finish packing?"

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