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cute cute cute because i just saw something that made me terribly sad because i lost someone this year who i thought would be in my life forever and i'm just gonna internalize it until i die which could be soon :D


Waking up together after their first time had been amazing. A tiny bit awkward, because they had just gotten to know each other in one of the most intimate ways two people can, but amazing nonetheless.

Waking up together after their first time as a married couple was the best either of them had ever felt.

The manner in which it happened was heavenly. Ashton had given himself to Calum once again (it was Calum's favourite way of phrasing it; he wanted to remind Ashton that he was still in charge despite giving up his dominant role for the evening) and it had been lovely. Calum was so happy to have that memory forever.

He kissed every inch of his beautiful husband and left love-bites in spots that only they could see. Spending even just a split second thinking about it made Calum flush (Ashton as well, but Calum didn't know).

See, beside Calum, his husband was pretending to be asleep. He was wide awake and Calum knew it. He didn't want to be too obvious about 'waking him up' though. So, pushing the blanket off of himself, Calum leaned forward and began to press delicate kisses to his lover's back.

"My lovely bunny." Calum's low, raspy morning voice cooed. "So pretty when you sleep."

Ashton shivered and fought a mewl. He buried his smile in the pillow and tried not to move, lest the attention he adored so much might stop.

"I could watch you forever. So peaceful, so innocent. I'm so lucky."

Ashton shifted again and stifled a content giggle as Calum's hand slid down the curve of his back.

"Don't pretend like you're asleep, darling. Unless you want me to find a way to wake you up? Hm?"

He kissed the faded scratches on Ashton's back, then his cute little freckles, and finally down to the dimples above his bum. A series of shivers ran down Ashton's spine. But he still didn't talk or move.

Calum smirked, beginning to trace the muscles on his husband's back. Quietly, he began to sing, "I want to breathe you in like a vapor, I want to be the one you remember..."

"I want to feel your love like the weather, all over me, all over me..." Ashton echoed softly. He rolled over onto his side and smiled. "Hi."

"Hi, baby." Calum responded, tucking a curl behind his husband's ear. "How did you sleep?"

"Great. But, um, we were up a while, so...I slept good when we finally went to sleep 'cause I was really tired."

Calum chuckled softly. "Yeah, you're right. But that was...the most beautiful I've ever seen you. You looked angelic."

"Shut up..." Ashton whined, covering his blushing face. Calum took his hands and kissed his knuckles. "I-I am not angelic."

"To me, you are. I swear, baby, the image I have in my mind-" He closed his eyes. "It'll live in my memory forever."

"S-stop, I probably looked like a mess."

"No. You looked...Ash, words can't even describe it." He locked his and Ashton's lips together in a deep kiss, weaving his fingers through his hair as the man lightly dragged his nails down his back, mimicking his actions from the night before. "I've wanted you to ride me for so long, and that--it was just perfect."

Ashton whined and blushed, rolling back over and hiding his face in the pillows. "Shut up."

"Excuse me?"

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