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a masterpiece of a man 😙👌

tw : vaguely mentions suicide.


Mali-Koa knew something was off with her brother. He'd been acting weird at the wedding. He barely smiled, despite the fact that it was the happiest day of his best friends life, and he hardly spoke either. She was worried about him; needed to know what was wrong so she could make it better. She only knew of one person who could've hurt Calum this badly (since he and their parents had reconciled) so she decided she'd ask. Just a simple text.


malikoa: hello

ashtonirwin: hey?

malikoa: i should've planned what i was gonna say. shit. um.

ashtonirwin: sorry, who is this?
ashtonirwin: wait. oh fuck.

malikoa: you're damn right "oh fuck"
malikoa: tell me what happened with you and my brother.

ashtonirwin: what do you mean?

malikoa: he's not himself lately and i blame you. explain.

ashtonirwin: what do you want to know?

malikoa: why do you like hurting him, why did you break things off...stuff like that

ashtonirwin: it's a long story

malikoa: i've got time.

ashtonirwin: fuck, fine. i was in a really bad place, didn't feel like i deserved to be happy, was planning on ending my life, and i didn't want him to have to suffer through that. i figured that if i could get him to believe i'd fallen out of love, he would leave, and he wouldn't be hurt. i was with a lot of other guys to try and get over him.
ashtonirwin: fast forward to recently; i was in a great relationship with a great guy, but i didn't want a future with him. i wanted calum. so i texted him. saw him places. we ended up sleeping together multiple times while i was still in that relationship. i told him i'd ended things between me and that other guy because i knew the backlash of it all would hurt like hell and i thought i deserved it.
ashtonirwin: eventually, i ended things with that guy. but first, i was at calum's place, because we had planned to have dinner and just ended up sleeping together again then getting takeout.

malikoa: so why is he doing so terrible? did he find out about this other guy?

ashtonirwin: no, he doesn't know about that. i, um, kind of just left him. in the middle of the night.

malikoa: why the fuck-

ashtonirwin: because i had to end that other relationship, and there's still some figuring out i have to do on my own. some self discovery of sorts.

malikoa: so let me get this straight. or gay in your case. you broke up with my brother because you were scared of his help, slept around, cheated on a person who loved you, slept with my brother multiple times, promised him you were only his, then left in the middle of the night because you're scared of confrontation?

ashtonirwin: well when you say it like that

malikoa: i'm gonna beat your ass

ashtonirwin: look, i know i'm a piece of shit and i know that i don't deserve him.

malikoa: yes. you are and you don't.

ashtonirwin: i wanna be better for him.

malikoa: if i were him i wouldn't take you back after all of this, but he's willing to put up with it because he loves you
malikoa: he's not going to wait around forever you know

ashtonirwin: i know. he told me.

malikoa: he's gonna go and travel

ashtonirwin: why

malikoa: that's how he deals with you leaving him. traveling, for him, means that he's moving on. that he's not really broken. although after everything you've told me, i'm certain he is.

ashtonirwin: i know. i also know i have no right to ask this, but can you please make sure he's okay?

malikoa: i was planning on it anyways because he's my brother and i know he isn't. why don't you ask him if he's okay?

ashtonirwin: he's texted me. especially that morning he woke up and i wasn't there. but i haven't answered.

malikoa: why the fuck not?

ashtonirwin: because i'll want to come back and i can't. not yet.

malikoa: i typically shy away from words like this because i am not an ableist, however, YOU'RE A PIECE OF SHIT IDIOT DUMB ASSHOLE AND I SHOULD BREAK YOUR LEGS

ashtonirwin: i KNOW THAT ! I'M SORRY

malikoa: you don't have to apologize to me. you didn't break my heart. if i were you, i'd check my logic. goodbye.

[ malikoa is offline ]

[ ashtonirwin is offline ]


She did not set down her phone. She dialed her brother's contact. He answered after two rings. And she wasted no time with small talk. "I have something to ask you. Can we meet somewhere?" He agreed quickly, assuming something was wrong in her life and she needed him to help.

They met at a bar she had never heard of, but a place he spoke highly of. He was sitting on a stool, fiddling with his fingers. He already was sipping away at a drink. When he saw her, he stood up, forced a smile and pulled her into a hug. "Hi, is everything okay?"

"Hey, yeah, I'm good. I wanted to ask you something. About you."

"Oh." He sunk back down into his seat. "Okay. What is it?"

"Are you doing okay? I mean, honestly. Do you need to talk?"

Calum froze completely. He had no idea how to respond. How did she know that something was wrong? He thought he was doing at least an okay job of hiding his pain. He really wasn't. He was so obviously not himself. He had no words. He tried to speak, but couldn't find his voice.

"Cal, I'm worried about you. You haven't been yourself lately and we've noticed."

"Who...who is we?"

"Everyone at the wedding." She honestly replied. "Will you please tell me what's wrong?"

"N-nothing's wrong."

"Are you sure? Nothing between you and Ashton?"

"No!" He snapped. Her eyes widened in shock. He took a deep breath, "No, there is absolutely nothing between Ashton and I."


It took only another couple seconds for him to finally break. "No, I'm really not okay. I'm not even close!"

"Talk to me, Cal."

"I don't even know where to begin." He croaked pathetically.

"So tell me everything."

And then he did. Everything. Every bit of hurt that he'd been holding in for months. Every bit of pain that he'd wanted to tell someone, anyone, was finally let out. He didn't know if it felt good or bad. He didn't like reliving it all, but he was so glad that he could get it off his chest. He didn't feel bad about talking about himself. He didn't feel guilty for showing emotions.

He stayed at the bar long after his sister had left, drinking, but for once not drinking away his sorrows.



this is shorter than usual, but next chapter? smut. and the next few chapters are very drama filled. 25 comments for an update?

love you. you're beautiful :)


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